GY111 Geological Map Exercise Geological Attitudes & 3D Block Diagram Interpretation
Problem 1: Strike & Dip of Bedding. (A) (B) (C) 270 45 90 270 45 90 270 90 55 180 180 180 (A)________ (B)_______ (C)________ (D) (E) (F) 15 270 90 270 90 270 90 33 180 180 180 (D)________ (E) _______ (F)________ (G) (H) (I) 75 270 90 270 90 270 90 30 180 180 180 (G)_________ (H) ________ (I) _______
Problem 2: Strike & Dip of Bedding (A) (B) (C) 270 90 270 90 270 90 180 180 180 (A) 090, 34S (B) 030, 12SE (C) 330, 05NE (D) (E) (F) 270 90 270 90 270 90 180 180 180 (D) 060, 07NW (E) 300,35SW (F) 030, 90 (G) (H) (I) 270 90 270 90 270 90 180 180 180 (G) 360, 77E (H) 270, 17N OT (I) Horizontal (dip=0)
Problem 3: Trend and Plunge of Lineation. (B) (C) 05 65 270 90 270 90 270 90 15 180 180 180 (A) ________ (B) ______ (C) _______ (D) (E) (F) 270 90 270 90 270 90 40 180 180 180 (D) _______ (E) ________ (F)_______ (G) (H) (I) 72 270 90 270 90 270 90 23 55 180 180 180 (G) ________ (H) _______ (I) _______
Problem 4: Dipping Strata. Draw contacts on top map surface and add the age symbols to each layer Place strike & dip symbols in each layer on top map surface N Ps Trf Jfv Ks 35 Ks Jfv Trf Ps
Problem 5: Non-plunging folds. Place strike & dip symbols in each layer on the top map surface. Add any relevant anticline/syncline axial trace symbols on the top map surface. Complete the sides of the diagram including the age symbols. N Jo Trx Pa Trx Jo Kp Ta Kp Jo Trx
Problem 6: Non-plunging folds. Place strike & dip symbols in each layer on the top map surface. Add any relevant anticline/syncline axial trace symbols on the top map surface. Complete the sides of the diagram including the age symbol. N So Da Mx Da So Og So Da Mx
Problem 7: Domes/Basins Place strike & dip symbols in each layer on the top map surface. Complete the sides of the diagram including the age symbols. Di Os Sa Di -Co N p-C -Co Di Os Mr Sa
Problem 8: Plunging Folds. Place strike & dip symbols in each layer on the top map surface. Add any relevant anticline/syncline axial trace symbols on the top map surface. Complete the sides of the diagram including the age symbol. Trg Po Jo N Kpl Ta Q Kpl
Problem 9: Plunging and Overturned Folds. Place strike & dip symbols in each layer on the top map surface. Add any relevant anticline/syncline axial trace symbols on the top map surface. Complete the sides of the diagram including the age symbol. Ta Qa N Kpk Ta Jo Kpk Trx Jo Jo Trx P1
Problem 10: Faulting. Fault Classification:____________________________ Draw contacts and place strike & dip symbols in each layer on the top map surface. Add age symbols to each layer. Add any relevant fault information such as HW/FW, U/D and displacement arrows to top. If needed add displacement arrows to the side-view. N Tra 40 Qi To Ka Jp 60 Jp Tra Ka |Pa Pp |Pa If needed add anticline/syncline axial trace symbols Pp