Comparing and Contrasting Theme Across Books
RL.5.9 Compares and contrasts multiple texts of the same genre Compare and contrast the theme of this book to another book in the same genre (provide evidence) We just finished reading “Bud, Not Buddy.” What books have we read that have similarities…? Well, Bud had to take care of himself and so did the kids in City of Ember. Can I make that a theme? Sometimes in life children have to take on adult responsibilities and care for themselves.
COMPARE THEME Sometimes in life children have to take on adult responsibilities and care for themselves. How is this theme the same in both books? Lina and Bud are both orphans. Lina and Bud both have to take care of younger children. Lina has to take care of her little sister Poppy and Bud had to comfort Jerry when Jerry was going to a new home.
CONTRAST THEME Sometimes in life children have to take on adult responsibilities and care for themselves. How is the theme different in the two books? In “Bud, not Buddy” children were not actually expected to take care of themselves. Adults were surprised when Bud tried to take care of himself and were concerned. For example, Lefty Louis was concerned when he found Bud on the side of the highway at two in the morning and he tried to help Bud. In “City of Ember” children are expected to become adults at age 12. They are given adult jobs and treated like adults. For example, Lina gets a job as a messenger and is treated like an adult when the city guards try to arrest her. They don’t treat her like a kid and ignore her or talk to her guardian about her behavior.
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER Compare and contrast the theme of this book to another book in the same genre (provide evidence) “City of Ember” and “Bud, Not Buddy” both have the theme sometimes in life children have to take on adult responsibilities and care for themselves. The theme is similar in both books because Lina and Bud both have to take care of younger children. Lina has to take care of her little sister Poppy and Bud had to comfort Jerry when Jerry was going to a new home. Lina and Bud both do not have parents to take care of them. The theme is different because In “Bud, not Buddy” children were not actually expected to take care of themselves but they are in “City of Ember.” Adults in “Bud, not Buddy” were surprised when Bud tried to take care of himself and were concerned. For example, Lefty Louis was concerned when he found Bud on the side of the highway at two in the morning and he tried to help Bud. In “City of Ember” children are expected to become adults at age 12. They are given adult jobs and treated like adults. For example, Lina gets a job as a messenger and is treated like an adult when the city guards try to arrest her. They don’t treat her like a kid and ignore her or talk to her guardian about her behavior.