Introduction to Biology Chapter 1
What are the characteristics of living things? Cookie Monster Is it Alive? Video Brainstorm…. What else makes an organism Alive?
8 Characteristics of Living Things: 1. Made up of Cells: Smallest units of life Unicellular – single cell Multicellular – many cells
2. Reproduction: 3. Based on a Genetic Code Sexual Reproduction – 2 parents Asexual Reproduction – 1 parent (clones) 3. Based on a Genetic Code Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
4. Growth and Development Sometime during life, periods of rapid and dramatic change. 5. Need for Material and Energy Food, Oxygen, Water, etc. Metabolism: the combination of chemical reactions through which an organism builds up or breaks down materials
6. Respond to the Environment Organisms detect and respond to stimuli from their environment. 7. Maintaining Internal Balance Body Temperature, Blood Sugar, etc. Homeostasis: process by which organisms maintain a relatively stable internal environment.
Organisms evolve or change over time 8. Evolution Organisms evolve or change over time Examples – Flu Virus, Height in Humans Now You Decide…Is it Alive? NASA Video