Opening Activity: June 12, 2018 Choose your own seats today and for the rest of the school year! Yeah!! (I might be crazy) Have your homework ready for stamps – Evolution initial ideas AND Lab #24 prelab. Discuss at your table some ideas about responses to “Changing Environment”. For your table write one sticky note with an idea, one question. You will work on computers today – grab one computer to work in groups of 1-2 today. I can…Share current ideas on evolution and model how populations change over time Homework: Check source, get your notebooks in ASAP! All assignments due 6/18
How do populations change over time? Your ideas: Your questions: Post ideas for class discussion. Tell students that now that they have had a chance to write their ideas as individuals and as pairs, it is important to look at the range of ideas in the class. Again, at this point, do not correct any wrong ideas. Treat this as brainstorming: all ideas are on the table. Show slide 6 of the 1.2 Expressing Ideas about How Animals Grow PPT. Give each pair 2 sticky notes. Tell students to write their most important idea from their Expressing Ideas Tools on a sticky note and put it on the board under the “Your Ideas” column. Tell students to write their most important question from their Expressing Ideas Tools on a sticky note and put it on the board under the “Your Questions” column.
Discussing Our Ideas Your ideas: Your questions: Class discussion Lead a whole class discussion to examine the variety of student ideas and questions on the poster. Draw out and press students to build on their ideas about what happens to the food that the child eat and what happens to the air that the child breathes in relation to growth, movement, and functioning. Use the talk and writing moves at the beginning of this lesson to help with facilitating the class discussion – see the Notes part of the slide. Show slide 7 of the 1.2 Expressing Ideas about How Animals Grow PPT. Note that this slide is a duplicate of the previous one but with a new heading. Take this time to discuss students’ ideas, organize them according to patterns, etc. Later, you can use this duplicate slide as a record of class ideas for the future, either by saving the post-it notes or by taking a picture of them.
Lab #24 Evo Dots How do populations change over time…. From Prelab…. In what ways will our “prey” vary today? If a long beak trait is heritable, what would you expect of the offspring? How will you eat your prey today?
Today’s tasks Complete Lab #24 Evodots and answer questions. #13 refers to “A”, this is your prediction in #4. If you finish Get stamp from Ms. Fox Try your luck at another game online ( See Ms. Fox for a end of year “job”
Exit Ticket When you unclicked the box “Variation” today, what happened and why?
Opening Activity: June 13, 2018 Reflect on section 3 from lab yesterday: What happened and why? Read “Mechanisms of Evolution” on pages 5-6 (CAREFUL, THE PAGES ARE SWITCHED!!) Answer reading questions on page #2 of packet. If you are done reading, ask Ms. Fox for a job. I can… Explain how traits in a population can change over time. Homework: Check source, get your notebooks in ASAP! All assignments due 6/18
Mechanisms of Evolution Reading (answer on page 2) Highlight Vocabulary Words – define 3 In your own words, describe what “survival of the fittest” means. Why is the term “survival of the fittest” misleading? Explain natural selection from the perspective of the traits that are undesirable. Explain what needs to be present in a population for a population to change over time.
Survival of the Sneakiest Boy Girl Cricket 1 Lady Cricket (heart) Cricket 2 (lightbulb) Bat Random Crickets (3)
Is it Natural Selection, or NOT?
Opening Activity: June 14, 2018 Sit in groups of 5 today! I will stamp homework. Compare Natural Selection and Homeostasis: How are they similar? How are they different. 4. Read through the “Is it Natural Selection, or Not?” on page 7, circle and explain. I can… Examine different lines of evidence for evolution. Homework: Check source, get your notebooks in ASAP! All assignments due 6/18
Homeostasis and Natural Selection Homeostasis – Maintaining internal conditions when external conditions change. Natural Selection – process by populations evolve. Certain traits are more likely survive and reproduce than undesirable traits.
Homeostasis and Natural Selection Homeostasis – an organism’s ability to adjust to the environment. EX. the expressing of genes for the purpose of fitting into the environment. Natural Selection – The organisms that are most fit for the environment survive and pass down their genes so their kids have them, their kids survive, eventually will all have the “good survival” genes.
Homeostasis and Natural Selection Homeostasis – An organism achieves balance with its surroundings. Survives in environment. Natural Selection – How animals with desirable trait more likely to reproduce than undesirable traits. Undesirable traits die don’t reproduce. POPULATIONS change over time.
Is it Natural Selection, or NOT?
Idea Coaching One person will be the “coach” other person will be the “explainer”. The explainers explains the natural selection example to the coach, use sentence stems to help you. Be sure you use evidence and scientific vocabulary in your explanation. The coaches are coaching by being patient, listening and asking questions when necessary. Use sentence stems to help support. Switch coaches and repeat with another scenario.
CLAIM-PASS Each group or table needs one piece of paper and one pencil. One person in each group writes a claim about one of the Natural Selection examples. Write the claim on the top of the paper. 2. The student who wrote passes the paper and the pencil to the left. The person with the paper writes one piece of evidence that supports the claim under the claim 4. The paper and pencil are passed to the left. NOTE: The other students in the group can support each
Lab #25 Evidence for Change across Time Research scientific evidence to support our claim: Populations of organisms change over time. Count off your group members 4-8. Each member will be responsible for learning about one of the following: Molecular Biology The Fossil Record Anatomy Vestigial Organs. Embryology
Opening Activity: June 14, 2018 Sit in your research groups today. If you don’t know where to go, see the sign up sheet at each table. Review your assignment for today. I can… Examine different lines of evidence for evolution. Homework: Finish Evidence #9 Check source, get your notebooks in ASAP! All assignments due 6/18
Lab #22 Evidence for Change across Time Research scientific evidence to support our claim: Populations of organisms change over time. 2. How to Research: Read through evidence in your packet. Use online tools when necessary Answer questions on page 8-9 A, B, & C. (Use evidence pages 9-12 to support you) Be prepared to share with your home group. If you are finished early work on Evidence #9: Phylogeny – All students are responsible for learning this one. HOMEWORK IF NOT COMPLETE!