Summary/talk tracks Phone or First Sales Call Any other subsequent call "In a perfect world when would you like to see new equipment in place?" " Everyone is excited about this opportunity! What advice would you give me to make sure we form a partnership?" " So here is where I think we are at...I owe you some need to check with...assuming that all goes well, maybe we put your order in the queue next week" "Today may be my last day in court before you render your verdict, how do you think the Xerox offer looks?" "Steve, my business card says sales rep on it so I have to ask, how do think the xerox offer looks?"
Phrases to Avoid in the Sales Business! Sign Contract "To be honest with you..." "That competitor is awful..." Authorize Order Agreement "Candidly speaking..." "We have been hearing that a lot about Peterson lately..." Key Messages: Prospects would much rather authorize agreements than sign contracts! "Put and order in the queue" is really stress free!
Delivery Close Delivered! "Good news Tim. If we get your order in the queue today and it gets approved by Monday, we should be able to ship Wednesday which puts it at your dock probably Thursday the 17th.” Zip it!
The “Call to Action” Close Delivered “Steve, it’s Carla from Xerox. We got some really good news from our corporate office back in Rochester, NY this morning and I immediately thought of your account. Do you have a minute and I’ll read it to you?”
The “Call to Action Close Delivered “In an effort to stimulate April activity, effective immediately, any mid-volume color printers that are authorized in the month of April and delivered by May 20th - Xerox will include a desktop color printer at no additional cost. Xerox will ship the printer…..blah, blah, blah…”
The “Call to Action” Close Delivered “Steve, I think you qualify and that would give Miller Medical Supply a second color printer to either use in Ryan's office or maybe send it home with one of your virtual employees...” Zip it!
Then go overcome the objection and bring your paperwork! Boomerang Close Clarify and Isolate “If I heard you correctly, the only thing standing in our way is that Xerox is more expensive than the other vendors you are looking at. If price were not an issue, you would feel comfortable recommending Xerox? Then go overcome the objection and bring your paperwork!
Delivery: Best close you will ever learn – low stress and very effective Call to Action: For talented salespeople this close is ultra effective. A national promotion to stimulate business is very effective and truly is the good guy/good guy close. Boomerang: Really effective when you have that one tough objection to overcome (often this is price!). Make sure to isolate it before you attempt to overcome it.
Actionable Items Go through this presentation again! Make a list of all your prospects - make a plan - and make "Call to Action" call on every one of these! EVERY time you pick up the phone ask yourself, "What is my objective of this phone call?" EVERY time you park your car at a prospects office - ask yourself "What is my objective of this sales call?" Practice your vocation on every sales call! Don't be a "Show and Tell" Sales Rep!