CHA + CHIP + Connections Our tools to influence health in all policies NC Public Health Association May 5, 2016
Photo of the New River -courtesy of Nations Inn, West Jefferson, NC
in·flu·ence noun the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself. Verb have an influence on.
CHNA as a tool Question –What do you believe is important to promote physical activity or exercise for health in the county? #1 Outdoor Recreation Opportunities #2 Indoor Recreation Opportunities –also the top write-in response #3 Sidewalks, crosswalks, and signage that makes it easier to walk #4 Bike route information, marked lanes, or other bicycling opportunities
Pictures are worth… 62% of all deaths in Watauga County 2009-2013 were diseases that are chronic and preventable (NC SCHS, 2015) 25% reported NO physical activity in the past month (BRFSS, 2013) >30% thought lack of exercise was one of the most risky health behaviors in the county Recreation, natural resources, and beautiful area was a top write-in for major community strength
Stories & Seeds
A photo of Margie Mansure, RD –Cooperative Extension Agent –working with Bethel students to create their own school garden—one of the projects funded from the Childhood Obesity Prevention Demonstration Project.
Alleghany County
Data Strategy Opportunity
Partnerships make the difference. If there is anything I’ve learned, it is that partnerships make all the difference. When we can support each other and look for win-win solutions, we further our
Deputy Health Director Appalachian District Health Department Promoting safe and healthy living, preventing disease, & protecting the environment Jennifer Greene, MPH Deputy Health Director Appalachian District Health Department Office: (828) 264.4995 Email: