States of Consciousness Module 8 States of Consciousness
Psychoactive Drugs mind altering chemicals they change how you perceive and feel psychological effects depend on dosage, form taken, expectations, personality of user & situation
Drug Tolerance Tolerance After repeated exposure, more drug is needed to produce same effect Drug dose Drug effect Response to first exposure Tolerance Decrease in effect of a drug with repeated use…
Drug Dependence Psychological Dependence Physical Dependence Addiction a psychological need to use a drug Physical Dependence discomfort and distress that follow discontinued use of an addictive drug Addiction Compulsive drug seeking behavior Control over drug use is lost
Psychoactive Drugs 4 common Classes of Psychoactive Drugs stimulants hallucinogens depressants opiates
Stimulants Stimulants (“uppers”) drugs that stimulate neural activity, cause accelerated body functions along w/ elevated energy and mood changes, increased alertness, and decreased appetite… caffeine nicotine amphetamines (speed) cocaine
Hallucinogens psychedelic (mind-altering) drugs that distort perceptions and evoke sensory images in the absence of sensory input (illusogens) LSD Marijuana Ecstasy Bufotenin (toad licking) Mescaline (peyote) PCP (angel dust) Ketamine (Special K) Ololuiqui (morning glory seeds)
Hallucinogens: THC (marijuana) the major active ingredient in marijuana mild hallucinogen amplifies sensitivity to colors, sounds, tastes, smells
THC (marijuana) can be therapeutic if suffering pain and nausea severe weight loss eye pressure marijuana can relieve symptoms marijuana legalized for those purposes in some states California & Arizona, ’96
Drugs that work as analgesics Opiates Drugs that work as analgesics euphorogenics Morphine Heroin
Depressants Central Nervous System Depressants-reduce neural activity and slow body functions (alcohol, barbiturates, opiates)
Depressants At higher doses, depressants lead to relief from anxiety disinhibition general anesthesia increased drowsiness lethargy amnesia seizures (inhibits seizures) hypnotic effects sedation hypnosis coma death
Keep an Eye on that Drink! Rophies Roofenol Ruffies Roofies R2 Roachies Rope Rib La Roche Date rape drugs Rohypnol – Flunitrazepam - ROOFIES; sedative causing muscle relaxation and amnesia Keep an Eye on that Drink!
…Mild to Severe Effects of Stimulants mild to moderate…… ….severe mood amplification (better mood)……………………….> irritability, hostility, anxiety, fear, withdrawal heightened energy………... extreme energy or exhaustion Increased wakefulness…………> total insomnia motor excitement or restlessness…………………> compulsive motor stereotypies (weird movements/ticks) talkativeness……………….> rambling incoherent speech increased sexual interest…...> decreased sexual interest anger, verbal aggression…..> possible extreme violence mild to moderate anorexia…> total anorexia increased self-esteem………> delusion of grandiosity From Keith Trujillo lecture notes, neuropsychopharmacology course