Provider Training Immediate Postpartum LARC Placement—Georgia’s experience
Collaborative experiences Department of Community Health Department of Public Health Georgia Ob/Gyn Society Georgia Perinatal Quality Committee Regional Perinatal Centers Local, regional and national agencies
Training approach Peach State grant to Georgia Ob/Gyn Society Train providers at six regional perinatal centers Residency Programs Areas of population density Referral areas
Key components Information about the Medicaid policy Why this policy is good for Georgia What is good about LARC devices Why immediately postpartum is a great time for placement Billing and reimbursement From CMO Medical Director
Key components (continued) Discussion of FAQ Breastfeeding Expulsion Strings Demonstration Hands on with pelvic models Setting the stage for next steps and additional stakeholders
Additional training efforts Similar trainings in non-RPC settings Georgia Ob/Gyn Newsletter Webinar Annual meeting talk Annual meeting simulation lab Georgia Perinatal Quality Committee Maternal focus initiative Department of Public Health Incorporating contraceptive counseling at initial prenatal visit
Some findings Developing institutional champions State-level learning and problem-solving