Vinnustofa fyrir umsjónarmenn rafræns efnis Grunnvirkni SFX


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Presentation transcript:

Vinnustofa fyrir umsjónarmenn rafræns efnis Grunnvirkni SFX 26. janúar 2018 Þóra Gylfadóttir Landskerfi bókasafna hf.

Efnisyfirlit Knowledge Base Open URL Sources Targets Object Target services Object Object portfolio A-Z listarnir Tímaritin Bækurnar CitationLinker / Ná í gögn

KnowledgeBase (KB) 1 Information about e-journals, e-books, conference proceedings, and other types of scholarly materials, with descriptive metadata including peer-review indicators Free and licensed title package information, e.g. e-journal and e-book collections, including coverage period for individual journals (such as year, volume, and issue) and “moving wall” gap time. Configurations for citation-downloading tools, links to OPACs, links to document delivery forms, and many other services Locally added services and scholarly materials

KnowledgeBase (KB) 2 The body of data about targets, target services, objects and object portfolios; a MySQL database provided by Ex Libris, which contains e-journal and e-book metadata. A journal title needs to be in this database and activated before an SFX menu can offer a link to its full text. KB er hjarta SFX

Töflurnar í SFX gagnagrunninum

Open URL Open URL er „ link resolver“ Ex Libris A standardized-format URL that contains the metadata elements a link resolver uses in order to identify an object in its knowledgebase.

Sources Databases (e.g. A&I databases, Google Scholar, other full text databases where the library has only partial access to content) enabled for OpenURL linking. Sources send metadata about the citation via an OpenURL. The completeness and accuracy of the metadata the source sends affect the success rate of the links that the link resolver presents to the user.

Targets The user's destination, often but not always a full-text resource. Can be abstract, TOC, etc. Can be any web-based service.

“Judge me by my size, do you?” The Empire Strikes Back

Target services 1

Target services 2 Þetta eru gaurarnir sem eru alltaf að sækja hitt og þetta fyrir okkur. Fram og til baka … Út og suður … R2D2 og C3P0

Object portfolio The individual object associated with a specific Target and Target Service and usually paired with specific Thresholds (upphafsárgangur/-hefti og lokaárgangur/ -hefti). Dæmi: The journal Brain and cognition, in the Target ELSEVIER_SD_SCIENCE_DIRECT_COMPLETE, with getFullTxt service, and available thresholds 1982, 1, 1 og til dagsins í dag.

Objects A journal or e-book in the SFX KnowledgeBase with an unique object ID. An object is not the same as an object portfolio. Once an object becomes associated with a target service it becomes an object portfolio.

Target services – Object portfolios – Objects

A-Z listarnir og Ná í gögn „Hliðarafurðir“ úr KnowledgeBase Tímaritalistinn – nýja útlitið Rafbækur (er í vandræðum með þetta) CitationLinker / FinnaGrein / Ná í gögn Hægt nota þegar búið er að stilla á nýja útlitið á tímaritalistanum<instance>/fetchitem

Gagnlegir tenglar SFX á vef Ex Libris Sources and Targets SFX á vef Landskerfis bókasafna (krefst innskráningar) CARLI – Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois Mjög góðar leiðbeiningar. Aðgangur að leiðbeiningum sem eru á HTML-formi – ekki skjölum s.s. PDF

SFX er hið sanna Star Wars