President And Vice President Their Roles in Your Club
What are some ROLES of a President You will be required to Chair meetings File Incorporation Papers/ File annual return with the Province Draft a budget for your club Organization of your club calendar ( projects and social events ) Represent your club Zone, District and National (or have someone there for you) The key to having a successful year is to be prepared. Planning your Kin year will ensure that all members are a part of a team, and work together to “Grow, Learn, Make Friends and Have Fun”
What are some ROLES of a Vice-President You maybe required to Act as the Awards Chair Run at least 2 meetings Learning the job of the President And JUST HAVE FUN Whatever role your VP has in your club, make sure you as the VP take it on wholeheartedly as you are growing and learning to move into the next position, President. As the vice president is usually preparing for the next step – president, you should try to include yourself as much as possible in the club decision making process as well. If you do not include yourself in the process, you cannot learn. Many large clubs have a first and second vice president and give them specific duties. By running 1 Executive and 1 General meeting, you will learn the skills involved to chair and control the group.
Chairing a General Meeting Things you should cover in your agenda Secretary Report Treasurers Report Committee / Project Report Old Business New Business For the Good of Kin There is example in the successful club manual on page 30 Sec 6.7
Chairing an Executive Meeting You should go over at this meeting If you are going to have a guest speaker Kin Education Deadlines should be reviewed at this time This is the time to go over correspondence and set an agenda for the general meeting. This is also a good time to discuss new projects, guest speakers, prepare Kin Education and Membership reports. deadlines should be reviewed at this time. Every Executive member should give a report
File Incorporation Papers/ File annual return with the Province Clubs are required to complete the clubs Annual Club Reporting Form and Incorporation papers. Must be returned to National Headquarters by June 30 each year. ENSURE that you keep a FULL COPY of what is submitted to CRA so that you have reference for future years. Inevitably the club that does not keep a copy, are the ones that have it sent back for revision. If you don’t know what has been done in the past, you have a very difficult time figuring out what needs to be done to revise your current paperwork. Headquarters simply requires proof of submission to the CRA, but sending them a full copy of the submission never hurts.
Draft A Budget For your club When clubs prepare a budget, it is comprised of the General Ledger (G/L) accounts which pertain to specific donations items and projects. Each year the Executive should present two budgets: A General Division budget and a Service Division Budget Complete details of budget preparation are available through District Treasurer Barb who is teaching this subject right now, so hopefully your club treasurer is in attendance. For further information, do contact her.
Organization of your club calendar Information is in your critical path (which will also double as your club calendar) i.e. due dates for National paperwork, dues, submissions for Cystic Fibrosis donations etc. Ensure that they are all marked down; you cannot remember everything Organizing and setting out your club calendar at the beginning of the year will make it an easier experience for all members of the club, and especially the executive who have responsibilities to specific dates.
Organization of your club calendar Important Dates Make note of FLC and Spring Convention WHEN ARE ACCREDITED DELEGATE FORMS DUE? Make note of KINdness Day Make note of any celebrations your club should be holding (ie anniversary) Make note of dates for annual projects Make note of your personal time so that club events don’t conflict
Represent your Club Zone, District and National What does this mean? Your DG’s are going to ask you for a report on how your club is doing. in your DG report he/she is looking for… If your Club has grown or lost members What club projects happened this year and how they did. And maybe some goals that your club has
Get involved at the District level; send in articles, photos etc Get involved at the District level; send in articles, photos etc., to the Kinship One Editor for publication USE your clubs’ website page to further your club events and profile in the community Post in GET ON BOARD, and Nationally show what your club is doing It is the age of electronic media; if you are not comfortable, consider a “media or communications” director in your club to take on these tasks
You can find more info in the Kin Canada web Site in the Resource Library @ FIRST AND FOREMOST … make the effort to review and even download and print the Successful Club Manual. This will be your bible for the year. Take it and use it!! Thank you