Current Status of State Medicaid Expansion Decisions, as of June 20, 2013 WY WI WV WA VA VT UT TX TN1 SD SC RI PA OR OK OH1 ND NC NY NM NJ NH NV NE MT2 MO MS2 MN MI1 MA MD ME LA KY KS IA1 IN1 IL ID HI GA FL2 DC DE CT CO CA AR1 AZ AK AL Moving Forward at this Time (24 States including DC) Debate Ongoing (6 States) Not Moving Forward at this Time (21 States) NOTES: 1 - Exploring an approach to Medicaid expansion likely to require waiver approval. 2- Discussion of a special session being called on the Medicaid expansion. SOURCES: Based on KCMU analysis of recent news reports, executive activity and legislative activity in states. Data reported here are as of June 20. It is important to note that per CMS guidance, there is not deadline for states to implement the Medicaid expansion. Requirements for legislation to implement the Medicaid expansion vary across states.