Photosynthesis BioA-ch10-106 國防醫學院 生物及解剖學科 藍心婕
Overview: The process that feeds the biosphere Photosynthesis光合作用 : the process that converts solar energy into chemical energy Plants and other autotrophs自營are the producers of the biosphere Plants are photoautotrophs光合自營they use the energy of sunlight to make organic molecules from water and carbon dioxide Other organisms also benefit from photosynthesis.
Figure 10.2 Photosynthesis occurs in plants, algae, certain other protists原生生物 and some prokaryotes原核生物 Heterotrophs異營obtain their organic material from other organisms are the consumers消費者of the biosphere (a) Plants (b) Multicellular alga Figure 10.2 Photoautotrophs. (d) Cyanobacteria 40 m (c) Unicellular protists 10 m (e) Purple sulfur bacteria 1 m 3
10.1 Photosynthesis converts light energy to the chemical energy of food Leaf cross section Chloroplasts Vein Chloroplasts葉綠體: The sites of photosynthesis in plants The leaves of plants are the major sites of photosynthesis Chloroplasts are the organelles in which photosynthesis occurs, contain thylakoids類囊體and grana葉綠層 Mesophyll Stomata CO2 O2 Chloroplast Mesophyll cell Outer membrane Thylakoid Intermembrane space Thylakoid space Stroma Granum 20 μm Inner membrane 1 μm
i. Intermembrane space ii. Thylakoid space iii. stroma(基質) Chloroplasts are divided into three functional compartments by a system of membranes: Outer membrane Intermembrane space Inner membrane 1 m Thylakoid space Thylakoid Granum Stroma Chloroplast i. Intermembrane space ii. Thylakoid space iii. stroma(基質)
Tracking atoms through photosynthesis: Scientific inquiry Photosynthesis is summarized as: 6 CO2 + 12 H2O+ Light —> C2H12O6 + 6O2 + 6 H2O energy The splitting of water: Chloroplasts split water into hydrogen and oxygen, incorporating the electrons of hydrogen into sugar molecules Photosynthesis as a redox process: Water is oxidized, carbon dioxide is reduced Reactants: Products: 6 CO2 6 H2O 6 O2 12 H2O C6H12O6
The two stages of photosynthesis: A preview Photosynthesis consists of two processes: light reactions光反應and the Calvin cycle卡爾文循環 The light reactions: occur in the grana, split water, release oxygen, produce ATP, and form NADPH. The light reactions power the addition of a phosphate group to ADP in a process called photophosphorylation光合磷酸化 The Calvin cycle: occurs in the stroma forms sugar from carbon dioxide, using ATP for energy and NADPH for reducing power Light Thylakoid Stroma Chloroplast LIGHT REACTIONS NADP+ ADP P i + H2O [CH2O] (sugar) CALVIN CYCLE CO2 NADPH ATP O2
10.2: The light reactions convert solar energy太陽能 to the chemical energy of ATP and NADPH The Nature of Sunlight Light: a form of electromagnetic energy電磁能, which travels in waves波 Wavelength: is the distance between the crests of waves and determines the type of electromagnetic energy Electromagnetic spectrum 電磁光譜: the entire range of electromagnetic energy, or radiation輻射 Visible light spectrum可見光譜: includes the colors of light we can see and includes the wavelengths that drive photosynthesis Visible light Gamma rays X-rays UV Infrared Micro- waves Radio 380 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 nm Shorter wavelength Higher energy Lower energy Longer wavelength 10− 5 3 1 nm 10 6 9 (10 nm) 1 m m
Photosynthetic pigments色素: The light receptors受體 or 受器 Pigments: are substances that absorb visible light, reflect light, which include the colors we see Chloroplast Light Reflected light Absorbed light Transmitted light Granum
Determining of an absorption spectrum Spectrophotometer光電比色計: is a machine that sends light through pigments and measures the fraction of light transmitted at each wavelength White light Refracting prism Chlorophyll solution Photoelectric tube Galvanometer Slit moves to pass light of selected wavelength. Green Blue 1 2 3 4
Chloro- phyll a Chlorophyll b Carotenoids Wavelength of light (nm) Absorption of light by chloroplast pigments Rate of photosynthesis (measured by O2 release) Aerobic bacteria Filament of alga 400 500 600 700 1. Absorption spectrum吸收光譜: is a graph plotting light absorption versus wavelength 2. The absorption spectra of chloroplast pigments provide clues to the relative effectiveness of different wavelengths for driving photosynthesis 3. The action spectrum 作用光譜: is a pigment profiles the relative effectiveness of different wavelengths of radiation in driving photosynthesis 4. The action spectrum for photosynthesis was first demonstrated by Theodor W. Engelmann Which wavelengths of light are most effective in driving photosynthesis?
The absorption spectra of three types of pigments in chloroplasts Chlorophyll a: the main photosynthetic pigment Chlorophyll b: is an accessory pigment Other accessory pigments: absorb different wavelengths of light and pass the energy to chlorophyll a, ex. Carotenoids類葫蘿蔔素 have phtotprotection function
Excitation 激發of chlorophyll by light When a pigment absorbs light it goes from a ground state 基態to an excited state激態, which is unstable If an isolated solution of chlorophyll is illuminated it will fluoresce發螢光, giving off light and heat Excited state Heat e Photon (fluorescence) Ground state Photon Chlorophyll molecule Energy of electron (a) Excitation of isolated chlorophyll molecule (b) Fluorescence
A Photosystem光系統: A reaction Center complex作用中心複合體associated with light-harvesting complexes A photosystem is composed of a reaction-center complex surrounded by a number of light-harvesting complexes. The light-harvesting complexes consist of pigment molecules bound to particular proteins and funnel the energy of photons光子 of light to the reaction center When a reaction-center chlorophyll molecule absorbs energy one of its electrons gets bumped up to a primary electron acceptor
(b) Structure of photosystem II Thylakoid membrane Chlorophyll STROMA Protein subunits THYLAKOID SPACE
There are two types of photosystems in the thylakoid membrane Photosystem II (PS II) functions first (the numbers reflect order of discovery) and is best at absorbing a wavelength of 680 nm (so called P680) Photosystem I (PS I) is best at absorbing a wavelength of 700 nm (so called P700)
A. Linear Electron Flow 線性電子流 The thylakoid membrane is populated by two types of photosystems I (PSI-p700) and II (PS II -p680) A. Linear Electron Flow 線性電子流 Cytochrome complex Primary acceptor H2O O2 2 H + 1/2 P680 Light Pigment molecules Photosystem II (PS II) Photosystem I (PS I) Pq Pc ATP 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 Electron transport chain Electron transport chain P700 + H NADP NADPH NADP reductase Fd e 4 Pq: plastoquinone Pc: plastocyanin Fd: ferredoxin
Linear Electron Flow Noncyclic electron flow: the primary pathway of energy transformation in the light reactions produces NADPH, ATP, and oxygen. A mechanical analogy for the light reactions
Cyclic Electron Flow循環電子流 Under certain conditions, photoexcited electrons take an alternative path In cyclic electron flow only photosystem I is used, only ATP is produced Primary acceptor Fd Cytochrome complex Pc Pq Photosystem II Photosystem I NADP+ + H+ reductase NADPH ATP Summary of light reactions: During noncyclic electron flow, the photosystems of the thylakoid membrane transform light energy to the chemical energy stored in NADPH and ATP. 2. During cyclic electron flow, electrons ejected from P700 reach ferredoxin and flow back to P700, Produces ATP but doesn’t produce NADPH or O2.
Electron transport chain Comparison of chemiosmosis in chloroplasts and mitochondria Mitochondrion Chloroplast MITOCHONDRION STRUCTURE CHLOROPLAST STRUCTURE Intermembrane space Inner membrane Matrix Thylakoid space Thylakoid membrane Stroma Electron transport chain H Diffusion ATP synthase ADP P i Key Higher [H ] Lower [H ] ATP Generate ATP by the same basic mechanism: chemiosmosis Use different sources of energy to accomplish this: light and chemical energy Different spatial organization 空間結構of chemiosmosis In both organelles 胞器redox reactions of electron transport chains generate a H+ gradient across a membrane ATP synthase ATP合成酶 : uses this proton-motive force to make ATP
The light reactions and chemiosmosis: the organization of the thylakoid membrane There are three steps in the light reactions that contribute to the proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane: Water is split by Photosystem II on the thylakoid side, releasing protons in the process. 2. As plastoquinone (Pq), a mobile carrier, transfers electrons to the cytochrome 細胞色素complex, it translocates protons from the stroma to the thylakoid space. 3. Protons in the stroma are removed from solution as NADP+ is reduced to NADPH. ATP and NADPH are produced on the side facing the stroma, where the Calvin cycle takes place In summary, light reactions generate ATP and increase the potential energy of electrons by moving them from H2O to NADPH
STROMA (low H concentration) THYLAKOID SPACE (high H concentration) Light Photosystem II Cytochrome complex Photosystem I NADP reductase NADP + H To Calvin Cycle ATP synthase Thylakoid membrane 2 1 3 NADPH Fd Pc Pq 4 H+ +2 H+ H+ ADP + P i ATP 1/2 H2O O2
Concept 10.3: The Calvin cycle uses the chemical energy of ATP and NADPH to reduce CO2 to sugar The cycle builds sugar from smaller molecules by using ATP and the reducing power of electrons carried by NADPH Carbon enters the cycle as CO2 and leaves as a sugar named glyceraldehyde 3-phospate (G3P) For net synthesis of 1 G3P, the cycle must take place three times, fixing 3 molecules of CO2 The Calvin cycle has three phases Carbon fixation (catalyzed by rubisco) Reduction Regeneration of the CO2 acceptor (RuBP)
H2O CO2 O2 Light NADP+ ADP CALVIN LIGHT CYCLE REACTIONS ATP NADPH Figure 10.UN03 H2O CO2 Light NADP+ ADP CALVIN CYCLE LIGHT REACTIONS ATP NADPH Figure 10.UN03 In-text figure, Calvin cycle schematic, p. 200 O2 [CH2O] (sugar)
10.3 The Calvin cycle uses ATP and NADPH to convert CO2 to sugar The Calvin cycle: similar to the citric acid cycle, occurs in the stroma Input 3 (Entering one at a time) CO2 Phase 1: Carbon fixation Rubisco P 6 Short-lived intermediate 3-Phosphoglycerate 6 ADP ATP 1,3-Bisphosphoglycerate Calvin Cycle 6 NADPH 6 NADP 6 P i Phase 2: Reduction Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) 5 G3P 3 ADP Phase 3: Regeneration of the CO2 acceptor (RuBP) Ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) 1 G3P (a sugar) Output Glucose and other organic compounds
The Calvin cycle has three phases Carbon fixation 碳固定: each molecule of CO2 is attached to a five-carbon sugar, ribulose biphosphate (RuBP) by an enzyme RuBP carboxlase (rubisco). Input 3 (Entering one at a time) CO2 Phase 1: Carbon fixation Rubisco P 6 Short-lived intermediate 3-Phosphoglycerate Ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP)
Reduction: a two-step process that couples ATP hydrolysis with the reduction of 3-phosphoglycerate to glyceraldehydes phosphate. Input 3 (Entering one at a time) CO2 Phase 1: Carbon fixation Rubisco P 6 Short-lived intermediate 3-Phosphoglycerate 6 ADP ATP 1,3-Bisphosphoglycerate Calvin Cycle 6 NADPH 6 NADP 6 P i Phase 2: Reduction Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) Ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) 1 G3P (a sugar) Output Glucose and other organic compounds
Regeneration of the CO2 acceptor (RuBP): A complex series of reactions rearranges the carbon skeletons of five G3P molecules into three RuBP molecules Input 3 (Entering one at a time) CO2 Phase 1: Carbon fixation Rubisco P 6 Short-lived intermediate 3-Phosphoglycerate 6 ADP ATP 1,3-Bisphosphoglycerate Calvin Cycle 6 NADPH 6 NADP 6 P i Phase 2: Reduction Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) 5 G3P 3 ADP Phase 3: Regeneration of the CO2 acceptor (RuBP) Ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) 1 G3P (a sugar) Output Glucose and other organic compounds
The Calvin cycle For the net synthesis of one G3P molecule, the Calvin cycle uses the products of the light reactions: 9 ATP molecules and 6 NADPH molecules. b. G3P produced by the Calvin cycle is the raw material used to synthesize glucose and other carbohydrates. c. The Calvin cycle uses 18 ATP and 12 NADPH molecules to produce one glucose molecule
A. Photorespiration in a C3 plant 光呼吸作用 10.4 Alternative mechanisms of carbon fixation have evolved in hot, arid climates A. Photorespiration in a C3 plant 光呼吸作用 目的??? Soybeans Oats Wheat Rice
Resulting 5-C molecular splits into On hot dry days, C3 plants close their stomata 氣孔to conserving water but limiting access to CO2 and causing oxygen to build up Photorespiration 光呼吸: An evolutionary relic? Photorespiration: O2 substitutes for CO2 in the active site of the enzyme rubisco and the photosynthetic rate is reduced Rubisco transfer O2 to RuBp Resulting 5-C molecular splits into Two-C molecular(glycolate甘醇酸 ) Three-C molecule (3-phosphoglycolate) Leaves chloroplast & goes to peroxisome Stays in the Calvin cycle A metabolic pathway begin in the peroxisome and is completed in the mitochondria Glycolate is broken down into CO2
C4 Plants C4 plants minimize the cost of photorespiration by incorporating CO2 into four carbon compounds in mesophyll cells葉肉 These four carbon compounds are exported to bundle sheath cells束鞘細胞, where they release CO2 used in the Calvin cycle C4 leaf anatomy and the C4 pathway The C4 pathway Mesophyll cell PEP carboxylase CO2 Oxaloacetate (4C) PEP (3C) Malate (4C) Pyruvate (3C) Bundle- sheath cell Calvin Cycle Sugar Vascular tissue ADP ATP Mesophyll cell Bundle- sheath Photo- synthetic cells of C4 plant leaf Vein (vascular tissue) C4 leaf anatomy Stoma Figure 10.20 C4 leaf anatomy and the C4 pathway. 32
CAM Plants CAM ( crassulacean acid 景天酸metabolism) plants: open their stomata at night, incorporating CO2 into organic acids During the day, the stomata close and the CO2 is released from the organic acids for use in the Calvin cycle (b) Temporal separation of steps CO2 Organic acid Calvin Cycle Sugar Day Night CAM CO2 incorporated (carbon fixation) CO2 released to the Calvin cycle 2 1
The CAM pathway is similar to the C4 pathway Sugarcane Mesophyll cell Bundle- sheath cell C4 CO2 Organic acid Calvin Cycle Sugar (a) Spatial separation of steps (b) Temporal separation of steps Day Night CAM Pineapple CO2 incorporated (carbon fixation) CO2 released to the Calvin cycle 2 1 Differ in that the initial steps of carbon fixation in C4 plants are structurally separate from the Calvin cycle; in CAM plants, the two steps occur at separate times. Regardless of whether the plant uses aC3, C4 or CAM pathway, all plants use the Calvin cycle to produce sugar from CO2.
The Importance of Photosynthesis: A Review The energy entering chloroplasts as sunlight gets stored as chemical energy in organic compounds Sugar made in the chloroplasts supplies chemical energy and carbon skeletons to synthesize the organic molecules of cells Plants store excess sugar as starch in structures such as roots, tubers, seeds, and fruits In addition to food production, photosynthesis produces the O2 in our atmosphere
REACTIONS: Photosystem II Figure 10.22a O2 CO2 H2O Sucrose (export) Mesophyll cell Chloroplast H2O CO2 Light NADP+ ADP 3-Phosphoglycerate LIGHT REACTIONS: Photosystem II Electron transport chain + P CALVIN CYCLE i RuBP Figure 10.22a A review of photosynthesis (part 1) ATP G3P Photosystem I Electron transport chain NADPH Starch (storage) Sucrose (export) O2 H2O
CALVIN CYCLE REACTIONS Figure 10.22b LIGHT REACTIONS CALVIN CYCLE REACTIONS Are carried out by molecules in the thylakoid membranes Take place in the stroma Use ATP and NADPH to convert CO2 to the sugar G3P Convert light energy to the chemical energy of ATP and NADPH Return ADP, inorganic phosphate, and NADP+ to the light reactions Split H2O and release O2 to the atmosphere Figure 10.22b A review of photosynthesis (part 2)
Global warming and deforestation 全球暖化及去森林化: Excess CO2 in the atmosphere is contributing to global warming, photosynthesis, which removes CO2 from the atmosphere moderates this warming The increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, and average global temperatures over land from 1958 to 2004
Figure 10.UN06 Appendix A: answer to Figure 10.22 legend question 39
You should now be able to: Describe the structure of a chloroplast Describe the relationship between an action spectrum and an absorption spectrum Trace the movement of electrons in linear electron flow Trace the movement of electrons in cyclic electron flow Describe the similarities and differences between oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria and photophosphorylation in chloroplasts Describe the role of ATP and NADPH in the Calvin cycle Describe the major consequences of photorespiration Describe two important photosynthetic adaptations that minimize photorespiration