Review of Lecture 3 Communication Tasks Protocols Protocol Architecture Characteristics of a Protocol
Overview of Lecture 4 Standards Standard Organizations Line Configuration Categories of Line Configuration
Standards “A standard provides a model for development that makes it possible for a product to work regardless of the individual manufacturer”
Why Standards are Essential? Standards are essential in: Creating/Maintaining Open and Competitive Markets Guaranteeing National/International Interoperability
Why Standards are Essential?
Categories of Standards Proprietary Non Proprietary De facto (By Fact) De jure (By Law) Standards
Standards Organizations Standards are developed mainly by 3 entities: Standard Committees Forums Regulatory Agencies
Standard Creation Committees The International Standards Organization (ISO) The International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunications Standard Sector (ITU-T)
Standard Creation Committees The American National Standard Institute (ANSI) The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
FORUMS Frame Relay Forum ATM Forum Internet Society Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
Regulatory Agencies FCC
LINE CONFIGURATION “Line Configuration refers to the way two or more devices attach to a link”
LINE CONFIGURATION Spatially Shared Time Shared Multipoint Point-to-Point Line Configuration
Point-to-Point Line Configuration
Multipoint Line Configuration
Summary Standards Standard Organizations Line Configuration Categories of Line Configuration
Suggested Reading Section 1.5,2.1 “Data Communications and Networking” 2nd Edition by Behrouz A. Forouzan