NHANES Research – children’s beverage consumption
Trends in Children’s Beverage Consumption
Children’s beverage choices over the past 35 years
100% fruit juice is more popular for young children than school-age kids
Less than half of kids consume fruit drinks across all ages
Steady sharp decline in milk consumption
The amount of each beverage consumed has declined
As children get older soda portions increase – tripling for teenagers
Average daily fluid ounces of milk consumed by milk drinkers
What is the nutritional impact of kids’ beverage choices?
Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPlate: Foundation for NSLP New Meal Pattern
Many American Children Nutrient Intake Falls Short
Nutrients of Public Health Concern “… dietary intakes of several nutrients — potassium, dietary fiber, calcium, and vitamin D — are low enough to be of public health concern for both adults and children.” 2010 DGA
Adding 1 more serving of dairy can significantly help close the gap for nutrients of public health concern in school-age children
California Milk Advisory Board – School Milk Cooler Program
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