RENEW How to create networks among partners in order to share possible funding opportunities and collaboration. Methodology & best practices on the.


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Presentation transcript:

RENEW How to create networks among partners in order to share possible funding opportunities and collaboration. Methodology & best practices on the issue.

The project summary The project aim is to pool together several EU organisations in which skilled and expert professionals operate in implementing EU programmes, and managing EU funds and projects.

The project aim is to maximise respective knowledge of human recources via peer-to- peer collaboration with a view to strenghtening the professionalism of each and improve upon working skills.

Why is it so important to have a network The network connection could be stronger than the individuals basis Because? Sharing of expert human recouces information

The development of the network is very important to : constantly improve skills, knowledge of members build new partnerships.

Share EU funding opportunities and solutions There are many opportunities to make use of European Union funding for the development or improvement of any segment of the economy in various countries. The new network will support all the partners who works with issues, which are in connection with EU policies.

What is the point that should be paid attention on while building a partnership? Competencies, interest, sound project plan, possible and realistic deliverables, good mixture of partners both regionally and types i.e. NGO, local municipality. The partnership also needs a mixture of talent and skills. Liberty – everyone should want to join, and not feel co-erced to the project

Equality – all partners should be treated equally Equality – all partners should be treated equally. All partners should sign up to a common statement of values and beliefs. Fraternity – all partners should work collaboratively, with respect and acknowledging and respecting cultural difference

By using the learning environment, course participants get the opportunity: to learn from each other (exchange experiences, knowledge, point of views,…) with regard to didactical subjects; to look into and adjust preparations of (initial) lessons;

to work together on joint papers; to share work outputs; Further, you can easily get access to the feedback from your instructor. Appointments associated with the frequency of feedback and coaching are made so that ‘in time” adjustments can be guaranteed.

Who can benefit The project is intended for professionals working in the project partner institutions and for their related organisations which make use of EU programmes, EU projects and EU funds, as a means of enforcing and/or sustaining their main activities in educational or consultancy operations. Using an e-learning environment in adult education

The project is geared towards the setting up of informal moments of learning and knowledge exchange whilst simultaneously boosting international networks of relations and sharing opportunities.

All generated opportunities will be shared with third parties via a web-based forum, while all the web-based materials produced will be diffused on the net to other interested professionals as well as the LLL community as a whole.

What are your suggestions to make the project meetings more successful? With a proper agenda, sent in advance for comments and ideas, asking for feedback and being flexible giving all partners time to express them and being part of the project.

Work with clear agendas, establish action points and identify roles and responsibilities for all partners. Establish simple means of communication which everyone can understand

What are the things that your organization gains from a project? New collaboration , new experiences, sharing of good practices and giving the opportunity to our remembers to explore, learn and gain new knowledge not just on the project but also on culture, diversity of opinions and getting to know new people, opening new opportunities. Recognition Funding Deeper knowledge and experience of the sector

How to be in connection together This project wants to make communication very close to each partner (member) by the medium of: Workshops Personal meetings Shared websides Video conferences

What are suggestions for future project writers & manager? Sharing info, discuss the project with possible partners, involve the partners and be open to constructive criticism, build networks of collaboration, share ideas and be ready to collaborate.

Consult potential partners with a strong idea from the beginning which allows different inputs. Don’t start with ‘a clean piece of paper’

Foster Foundation Malta Mark Causon Michael Debono Assisted by Diana Čeriová