Presented by Stacy Hayano, Justine Heartt, and Lily Wang Introductions Good morning. I’m (name and title) with the Communications department and today we’d like to tell you about our organization and what we do. First I’d like to introduce my colleague(s) . . . I’d also like to go around the room and have each of you introduce yourselves and let us know your position and department here at the Chancellor’s Office. Brand Exercise As the creative arm of the organization, we’re going to start off by getting you up and on your feet. I’d like to have everyone stand up. Now, close your eyes. I want you to take a moment to think about a brand. It can be anything, whatever comes right to the top of your mind. Got it? Now, open your eyes and you can be seated. Here’s the quiz: by a show of hands, how many of you thought of the CSU? Anyone? Any winners of our grand prize? (CSU padfolio) (Assuming no one chose the CSU) That is why we’re here today and why we’ve titled our presentation: (go to first slide) CPO, SWATs, Etc. April 21, 2008 (updated May 5, 2008) Presented by Stacy Hayano, Justine Heartt, and Lily Wang
Definitions SystemWide Investment Fund Trust (SWIFT) is the consolidated cash for all CSU invested trust fund balances. Cash Posting Order (CPO) is the transfer of cash between one agency to another within SWIFT. May be a SWAT or not SystemWide Allocation Transfer (SWAT) is the transfer of revenues to campuses to fund special programs through the systemwide priority fund. A SWAT will always have a CPO
General Fund Base Budget Allocation Campus receives General Fund (GF) base budget via Notice of Allocation Order from the Chancellor’s Office. Budget records the allocation Accounting records the monthly estimated payroll
GF Base Budget Campus View…
Campus Reaches End of GF Base Budget In the month campus runs out of GF base budget, CO will issue supplemental allocation order in exchange for campus’ Trust Fund money in Wells Fargo. A Notice of Allocation Order will be issued to fund supplemental General Fund budget. A Cash Posting Order (CPO) will be processed to transfer money from campus to the Systemwide within the SystemWide Investment Fund Trust (SWIFT) pool.
Record Supplemental AOs and CPOs Accounting records the CPOs and monthly estimated payroll Budget records supplemental allocations
RMP Expenditure Offset from GF PFAs are processed and ADNOATs are issued at the end of each of the first three quarters to true up payroll estimations. Object code 690003 - RMP Expenditure Offset from GF must have a BBA = zero at year-end on the SAM6 report.
SystemWide Allocation Transfers SystemWide Allocation Transfers (SWATs) are issued by the CO to fund special programs (e.g. student outreach, summer arts) or to de-allocate funds A SWAT notice is issued to initiate a revenue or de-allocation transfer to the campus. A Cash Posting Order (CPO) is processed to transfer money from systemwide to campus (or vice versa) within the SystemWide Investment Fund Trust (SWIFT) pool to fund the revenue/de-allocation transfer. A quarterly SWAT Control Report is provided to each campus that captures SWATs issued year-to-date.
Record SWATs SWAT revenue transfer increases 506100. SWAT deallocation transfer decreases 506100 Object code 506100 - RMP SWAT Transfers must have a BBA = zero at year-end SWAT revenue transfer SWAT deallocation transfer
SWAT Budget Campus View…
Campus Tips for Reconciling To ensure BBA is zero throughout the year: Use a Global DeptID to post both Budget and Actual Journal Entries for Object Code 506100 Run a report comparing Budget to Actuals monthly to note out-of-balance situations Use an EXCEL spreadsheet to log your CPOs/SWATs that have budget entries Object Code 506100
Campus Tips for Reconciling
References RMP Touch Points Between Budget and Accounting Document available at AOs,CPOs,SWATs, etc. are available at Presentation will be posted on the FOA website
Any questions?