Learning Planet www.learningplanet.com Erica Klabunde EDU 620 University of Mary
Perfect and easy for a classroom teacher, floating teacher, substitute teacher, or student teacher. As a substitute teacher, this is something I utilize often in the classroom. It’s universal to all schools, it has all grade levels, and it covers all subjects. NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image.
This is a fantastic site for both teachers and students to use. It can be used for… - lesson planning - center time - math games - language arts practice - word games - creative activities - IXL - logic and problem solving
Students can choose from the student tab to do any kind of activity in any subject matter, at any level. This is wonderful for differentiating instruction and giving each student what he/she needs.
Parents love this too. They can help their child at home and see in real time how he’s doing on his work, what he needs help with, and what his strengths are.
Individualized work and student-centered teaching Teachers and students can be creative and proactive in the kind of activities and learning they want to experience. MY ACTIVITIES tab You can create your own custom activities or find a shared activity from another teacher. NOTE: To change images on this slide, select a picture and delete it. Then click the Insert Picture icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. Individualized work and student-centered teaching
A great way to utilize this site in a student-centered way is to have group or individual projects that are open-ended and student choice. Students can choose if they want to do an independent or group project, what subject, what realm, what medium, and how in-depth. It puts their learning in their own hands.
This can play into student strength and learning styles. Students who learn better by writing can choose to tackle some of the fun worksheets. Students who learn better by doing and manipulating can find some activities. Students who learn better by listening can turn on the sound and play some games.
SAMR This site can be used as almost any level of the SAMR model, depending on how the teacher chooses to use it. If it’s games and worksheets alone, it would be considered a Substitution or Augmentation level. However, if there is individualization and student- centered creative learning with the activities, it could be considered Modification and possibly Redefinition for some teachers and students.