ICT & Climate Change in China 2018/12/8 ICT & Climate Change in China Opinion from Huawei’s Green Team Ivan Huang Senior Marketing Manager Strategy & Marketing, Huawei Tech., China
Energy saving bulb project: 70M USD Background Global Warming - Greenhouse Gas Effect, One of the most important solutions is to control CO2 emission China – a few data Largest population > 1.3 B By occupation, 45% in agriculture High GDP growth rate, world manufacture center (including ICT) 1 B subscriber, the largest fixed network / mobile network in the world. New infrastructure (NGN, 3G, IT) Energy saving bulb project: 70M USD Clean energy source Page 2
ICT solution practices in China Potential Solutions Expectations Mobile-newspaper, mobile music, traffic information etc. Dematerialize letters, newspaper, CD etc. Consumers Customized solution for monitoring and automation Reduce energy waste, maximize the efficiency Corporate Integrated communications tools to improve operational efficiency Reduce travel SME Rural information system to promote clean energy use, improve public awareness Reduce direct emission of burning crops etc. Rural area Page 3
ICT solution for consumers Popular consumer applications in China: 3G internet surfing, mobile internet, Color Ring, Short Messages, Monternet SMS / MMS (info system), Fetion (IM), WLAN, Mobile Newspaper, Mobile Securities, Mobile Mail, etc. Mobile newspaper Real-time traffic information VS Mobile newspaper, real-time, local, national or international information system, MMS format. Real time traffic information system, updated in 5 minutes, offering multiple accesses, including telephone, SMS, internet, mobile internet etc. *CO2 Emission of traditional newspaper is 79 times of mobile newspaper CO2 emissions in Beijing 2007 reduced about 2414.47 tons * Research out comes from WWF / CMCC Page 4
Integrated communication solution for enterprise Example: e-Space solution Instant messaging / conference call reduce travel within the enterprise Collaboration / IM facilitate internal team work (esp. R&D), reduce meetings / internal transportation Combine the new features with existing mobile phone services make it easy for employees to use Efficiency improvement *Estimate: Cost reduction (12%~36%) -> emission reduction (~15%) eSpace Voice Data & Video Unified Number IM/SMS/MMS Click to Dial SMS enquiry Conference Presence Address List Video Call Call log e - Fax RBT Collaboration IT Integration ...... * Research result in 4 enterprises in Shenzhen Page 5
Green Packaging for enterprises To reduce wood consumption, manufacturers in the zhujiang / changjiang delta are trialing reusable packaging solution, Traditional carton package Reusable packaging reduce 90% Stock Transportation Arrival Return Page 6
ICT solution for large corporate - Shengli oilfield Background Shengli Oilfield is the second largest oil production base in China. It owns the most complex structure of the enterprise network – “Shengli Oilfield information networks” Challenge – Low efficiency 1) Nodes widely distributed 2) Long distance among the nodes 3) Difficult to maintain The solutions To meet oil field’s various operational needs, ICT providers worked with oilfield experts closely to provide comprehensive solution Filed info system Wireless power automation Vehicle positioning & alarm system Oil / water monitor system Wireless heater automation Wireless meteorologic system Page 7
Information Solution for rural area The information service by CMCC: 12 M subs,13m SMS & 25K call / day, websites reach 30M clicks ICT could help to promote cleaner energy in rural area (45% of population) (new product and government support) Burn it in the field to be manures Use it at home with new tech. Page 8
Enterprise CO2 reduction plan – an example Huawei Corporate CO2 reduction, achievement & plan *Indirect CO2 emission M tons **direct emission Per sales amount CO2 Emission without Green Program ~1 M tons of indirect CO2 cut in 2008 & 2009 CO2 Emission with Green Program 5 4 3 3 2 >30% of direct CO2 cut in 2008 & 2009 ↓>30% 1 1 2007 2009E Green awareness, Globalization, Customer expectation … Page 9