[enter product name here] Product strategy [enter product name here]
Instructions for use The next slide is a summary of the product Following this is an exec summary slide that provides a clear picture of the strategy, its rationale and implications for the business The slides following the summary provide additional details but even these are only designed to focus on the critical information You can add backup slides to assist readers who query the content of the strategy deck (and these are likely to be needed for products requiring high investment)
Product overview Write a short overview of the product Its name Its target market and why they’re interested Its current situation e.g. launching in XXX months, operational in 25 countries,… Its successes, failures and challenges
Strategy: executive summary Fact /trends Summarise these in this block Implications Summarise these in this block Objectives Summarise these in this block Strategy Summarise these in this block Acton plans Summarise these in this block
Facts and trends Enter details about product KPIs, customers, competitors, macro market or technology that are relevant to the development of your plans
Implications Show the implications for your product and your company of the facts and trends you identified in the previous slide
Objectives Based on your insight to the market and understanding of what’s possible within the constraints of your business, show the objectives you’re targeting to deliver through a product strategy Use a standard approach such as SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timed) or some other agreed variant Show here what you might be able to achieve if you get support to remove or reduce some constraints from the business (and identify these constraints) Show here changes to your objectives if key constraints become more onerous than anticipated (and identify these constraints)
Strategy Document the strategy you’ll use to deliver the objectives set out in the previous slide This should use the elements of the strategy diamond Arenas: the markets, product space, technology, segments in which you’ll be working Vehicles: indicate any requirements of the strategy e.g. to build, partner or buy-in technologies Differentiators: Say why you think this will be a winning strategy Staging and Pacing: State what you plan and doing and when you’ll be doing it Economic logic: State what financial commitment you’ll need from the business and what payback can be expected
Strategy alignment Say how the proposed strategy aligns with or impacts the rest of the business Corporate strategy and plans Strategies and plans of other departments
Action plan Document the actions to be taken to deliver on the strategy and when these need to be started / completed State what resources are going to be needed (e.g. identified individuals or teams and money), when they’ll be required and what they’ll deliver Note: It is assumed that the commitment of substantial resources will require separate investment approval e.g. through a business case process
Risks and contingency Summarise the key risks resulting from incorrect assumptions or failure to complete actions Identify: What might go wrong? How will we know it’s going wrong? What action will be needed to get things back on track and who’s going to do it? Note: Many things might go wrong. Only include those that potentially have a significant impact (high likelihood or a high impact if the risk matures)