Ch. 7 Learning (Pages 291-303) Textbook Questions Part 1
1. Define: adaptability.
1. Define: adaptability.
2. Define: learning.
2. Define: learning.
3. List three types of learning.
3. List three types of learning.
4. P. 292: Define: associative learning.
4. P. 292: Define: associative learning.
5. What is conditioning?
5. What is conditioning?
6. What occurs in classical conditioning?
6. What occurs in classical conditioning?
7. P. 293: How does operant conditioning work?
7. P. 293: How does operant conditioning work?
8. Describe observational learning.
8. Describe observational learning.
9. P. 294: What type of learning is IVAN PAVLOV most closely associated with?
9. P. 294: What type of learning is IVAN PAVLOV most closely associated with?
10. What “school” of psychology is John B 10. What “school” of psychology is John B. Watson most closely associated with?
10. What “school” of psychology is John B 10. What “school” of psychology is John B. Watson most closely associated with?
11. Describe Behaviorism.
11. Describe Behaviorism.
12. P. 295: Define: unconditioned response (UR)
12. P. 295: Define: unconditioned response (UR)
13. Define: unconditioned stimulus (US)
13. Define: unconditioned stimulus (US)
14. Define: conditioned response (CR)
14. Define: conditioned response (CR)
15. Define: conditioned stimulus (CS)
15. Define: conditioned stimulus (CS)
16. P. 296: List the five major conditioning processes.
16. P. 296: List the five major conditioning processes.
17. What is the term for “initial learning”?
17. What is the term for “initial learning”?
18. Conditioning helps an animal __________________ and _____________________-- by responding to cues that help it gain _________________, avoid dangers, locate ________________, and produce offspring.
18. Conditioning helps an animal __________________ and _____________________-- by responding to cues that help it gain _________________, avoid dangers, locate ________________, and produce offspring.
19. P. 297: Define: extinction.
19. P. 297: Define: extinction.
20. P. 298: What is spontaneous recovery?
20. P. 298: What is spontaneous recovery?
21. What is generalization, with regards to the CS?
21. What is generalization, with regards to the CS?
22. P. 299: What is discrimination, with regards to the CS?
22. P. 299: What is discrimination, with regards to the CS?
23. P. 300: Humans, too, seem biologically prepared to learn some ________________________ rather than others.
23. P. 300: Humans, too, seem biologically prepared to learn some ________________________ rather than others.
24. P. 303: What was John Watson’s famous experiment with “Little Albert”?
24. P. 303: What was John Watson’s famous experiment with “Little Albert”?
25. What profession did John Watson enter after leaving academia?
25. What profession did John Watson enter after leaving academia?