Hungary By: Nate Bryan
Capital of Hungary The capital of Hungary is Budapest, which is located in the central north region of the country. It’s latitude, longitude coordinates are (47.497912, 19.040235).
Major body of water One Major body of water in Hungary is the Danube River. This is the second largest river in Europe and it runs through ten countries, including Hungary. It is 1,777 miles long and 3- 26 feet deep, depending on where you are.
Highest Elevation Point The tip of Mount Kékes is the highest elevation point in Hungary, this mountain’s tip is about 1,014 miles high, and is a part of the Mátra Mountain Chain, which is a volcanic mass with an area of approximately 225 miles.
Most Popular Sport The most popular sport in Hungary (and most other European countries) is football, or American soccer. It is the most viewed sport, and most played by people of all ages. Basketball is the second-most popular.
Budapest Spring Festival The Budapest Spring Festival is an annual government-sponsored festival to support Hungarian art and dancing and to express Hungarian culture. The festival is held in Budapest every spring, and the year it was started is unknown.
Largest Hungarian Export The largest export in Hungary is cars and car parts, according to a 2016 review. A major part of this fact is the Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing in Hungary. In 2016, car parts and cars earned 16.92 billion dollars for Hungary.
The European Union Hungary is a part of the European Union. Although is a large part of the European economy, Hungary only joined the EU on May 1, 2004
Famous Athlete A famous Olympic swimmer from Hungary is Dániel Gyurta, he has been on the team since he was 15, competing in the 2004, 2008, and 2012 summer Olympics. He has one gold medal in the men’s 200 meter breaststroke event that he earned in 2012.
Important Political Leader Viktor Orbán is the current Prime Minister of Hungary, he started his political career in 1990, when he was elected to Hungary’s National Assembly. From there, he was elected to Prime Minister in 1998, where he served until 2002, but returned in 2010 to serve until present-day.
World War 1 At the time of WWI, Hungary was one with Austria; this country is the one that gave the world Archduke Franz Ferdinand, who is the dude that was assassinated by a Serb, thus causing WWI. Austria-Hungary was on the Central Powers, as they and Germany had an alliance. Also they were mad at the Serbs. (Hungary was very Involved in WWI)
World War 2 Hungary was separated from Austria now, but they still sided with Germany and the Axis Powers. In 1939, they signed a treaty that allowed these two countries to aid each other, and let Germany use Hungary as a way to pass through or over to other countries. Hungary and Germany took the fall together after their defeat, although Germany got like 99% of the blame.
Current Leader(s) Hungary currently has two heads, one, the President, is head of State, while the Prime Minister is head of the government. The president is János Áder, who has served as president since 2012, and the Prime Minister is Viktor Orbán, who served from 1998-2002, and 2010-present day.
System of Government Hungary’s system of government is parliamentary representative democratic republic, which, as mentioned before, puts the Prime minister ahead of government institutions, and the President ahead of the state.
Important Event One important event in Hungary’s history was in 1990, when Soviet forces released their grip on Hungary. This got rid of the Communist government,which allowed Hungary to implement its Parliamentary representative democratic republic style of government.
Iconic landmark One very iconic landmark in Budapest is the Chain Bridge, this bridge connects the two landmasses, previously call Buda and Pest, into one capital. The two masses are separated by the Danube River.
Hungarian population Hungary’s population, according to the 2016 census, is around 9.818 million people.
Largest religion The largest religion in Hungary has always dominated the country’s ideals. This religion is Christianity, with 52.7% of the population following it. 38.9% of the population is Catholic.
Hungarian climate Hungary’s climate is similar to most other Central European countries’ climates. January is the coldest month, with the average temperature being around 0 degrees celsius. On the contrary, July is the warmest month, with the temperature being around 22-30 degrees celsius.
Hungarian Language In Hungary, The main language is literally Hungarian. Although they may understand English, Hungarian is the first language for 98.9% of the population.
Relations with the U.S. Apparently, when Obama was president, relations weren’t focused on, but when Trump was elected, the Prime Minister expected to become best friends with us. But since Trump didn’t invite The Prime Minister over, relations are a little sour, and it doesn’t look like anything’s going to change.
Works Cited: Works Cited: Question 1) “Budapest, capital city of Hungary.” VisitCapitalCity, Unknown Publication Date, Question 2 )“Danube River” Encyclopedia Britannica, Unknown Day and Month, 2017, Question 6) ”Hungary” OEC, Unknown Day and Month, 2016, Question 3) ”Mátra Mountains” Encyclopedia Britannica, Unknown Day and Month, 2017, Question 14) ”Important events in Hungary’s History” Honorary Consulate of Hungary, Unknown Day and Month, 2013,