Topic: Classification Aim: Describe the classification system we use today. Do Now: 1. Take out your classification reading notes. 2. Complete Review Question 1at the end of yesterday’s notes. 3. Take out your numbers to use at the end of the period! HW: Create a mnemonic device to help you remember the 7 levels of classification.
Determine the length of each cell in um. 250um + 125um = 375um Diameter = 1mm = 1000um
Let’s think... How would you find a box of your favorite cereal in a grocery store that you have NEVER been before? Would it be easy to find? Be specific about the clues you would use to find the cereal.
1. Define classification. The process of dividing things into groups. How can we classify our class????
Do you know who the first person that classified things was? Artistotle
How did Aristotle classify living things How did Aristotle classify living things? Animal Subgroups: Land, Water, Air Plant Subgroups: Small, Medium, Large
2. Identify the branch of biology that is used for classifying and naming organisms. Taxonomy
3. Identify the groups taxonomists use to classify organisms. Taxonomists arrange, or classify similar organisms into a group called a taxon. How many taxons are found in this diagram?
4. Identify or list the 7 levels of classification. Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
5. Describe the meaning of a very broad taxon. It includes many different organisms. Examples??? In broad daylight A broad river
It contains the largest # of organisms. 6. Identify the largest and broadest taxon. Support your answer. (How do you know?) Kingdom It contains the largest # of organisms.
7. Describe why the lowest level is most specific. It only includes ONE TYPE OF ORGANISM.
It only includes one type of organism. 8. Identify the SMALLEST and most specific taxon. Support your answer.(How do you know?) Species It only includes one type of organism.
How similar are organism that share the same species???? Organisms in a species are SO SIMILAR that that can mate with each other & produce fertile offspring.
9. Identify the types of names that were confusing to use. Using common names was confusing and made communication about organisms difficult.
Identify the example of how common name are confusing to use discussed in the reading. Sea Horse It is not a horse. It is fish.
Sea horses range in size from 1. 5cm – 35cm Sea horses range in size from 1.5cm – 35cm. Juveniles are exact replicas of adults at birth and are about 5mm-6mm in length. Males can receive up to 1500 eggs from the female and carry seahorse eggs for one month before they hatch.
10. Explain why using taxonomy was a better method for naming organisms. Using taxonomy makes it easier to communicate with each other about other organisms.
11. Identify the language used in an early system of taxonomy. Latin
12. Describe the disadvantage (problem) of using Latin words to describe what organisms looked like. Latin words were too long and hard to remember. Scientists around the world often names the same organism using different Latin names.
The common briar rose Some scientists named it: Rosa sylvestris inodora seu canina “Odorless woodland dog rose” Other scientists called it: Rosa sylvestris alba cum rubore “Pinkish-white woodland rose with hairless leaves”
13. Identify the inventor of the present system of taxonomy. Carl Linnaeus
14. Identify the current system of naming organisms. Binomial nomenclature
Binomial nomenclature the choosing of names for things, especially in a science or other discipline. TWO NAME
Before Linnaeus developed his naming system, plants and animals were named by a series of Latin words that described the physical appearance of the organism. This was very confusing. For example, let’s look at the first name of the honey bee. Apis pubescens, thorace subgriseo, abdomine fusco, pedibus posticis glabris utrinque margine ciliatus. This means “fuzzy bee, light gray middle, brown body, smooth hind legs that have a small bag edged with tiny hairs.” Linnaeus named it Apis mellifera which means “honey-bearing bee.”
15. Identify the 1st part of the scientific name. Genus 16. Identify the 2nd part of the scientific name. species
Genus – Puma Species – concolour 17. The scientific name for a cougar is Puma concolour. Identify its genus and species. Genus – Puma Species – concolour
Identify the genus and species for each scientific name. 18. Panthera leo Genus – Panthera Species – leo
19. Procycon lotor (racoon) Genus – Procyon Species – lotor
20. Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) Genus – Drosophila Species – melanogaster
21. Tursiops truncatus (dolphin) Genus – Tursiops Species – truncatus
Bos Grunniens (Yak) Genus: Species: Neofelis nebulosa (Clouded leopard) Bos Grunniens Neofelis negulosa
Genus – Homo Species – sapiens The scientific name for humans is Homo sapiens. Identify the genus and species. Genus – Homo Species – sapiens
Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Let’s review… 1. Identify the 7 levels of classification. Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Largest group 2. Identify the largest or broadest level. 3. Describe the organisms found in that level. Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Largest group Very diverse (different)
Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Smallest group VERY similar 4. Identify the smallest level. 5. Describe the organisms found in that level. Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Smallest group VERY similar
6. Identify the system for naming organisms. Binomial nomenclature
7. Identify the 2 levels that make up a scientific name 7. Identify the 2 levels that make up a scientific name. Genus and species
8. Identify the scientific name of the humpback whale 8. Identify the scientific name of the humpback whale. Megaptera novaeangliae
The scientific name for a lion is Panthera Leo The scientific name for a lion is Panthera Leo. The word Panthera tells us the lion’s (1.) kingdom (2.) phylum (3.) genus (4.) species
Members of a population of gray squirrels, Sciurus carolinensis, are classified in the same species because they (1.) obtain their food in the same manner (2.) produce enzymes by synthesis (3.) can mate and produce fertile offspring (4.) live in the same area
In today’s classification system, 2 organisms would be most closely related if they were classified in the same (1.) kingdom (2.) phylum (3.)genus (4.)species
Which classification category contains the greatest number of different types of organisms? (1.) kingdom (2.) phylum (3.) genus (4.) species
The branch of biology that is used for classifying and naming organisms is known as (1.) cytology (2.) taxonomy (3.) physiology (4.) genetics
The branch of biology that is used for classifying and naming organisms is known as (1.) cytology (2.) taxonomy (3.) physiology (4.) genetics
Cell Transport Review: Which process requires cellular energy? diffusion 2. passive transport 3. active transport 4. osmosis
The movement of water from higher to lower concentration is called pinocytosis 2. active transport osmosis phagocytosis
Damage to which structure will most directly disrupt water balance within a single-celled organism? ribosome 2. cell membrane 3. nucleus 4. chloroplast
Sodium ions are pumped from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration in the nerve cells of humans. This process is an example of diffusion 2. osmosis passive transport 4. active transport
The movement of materials from lower to higher concentration requiring energy in the form of ATP is called movement 2. diffusion active transport 4. cell division
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