Trade, Research and Standardisation – what is the way forward? WORKING GROUP 4 Trade, Research and Standardisation – what is the way forward? Tõnu Roossaar Technical Inspection Centre Ltd, Estonia 03.10.2005 Nicosia
Agenda1 European Pressure Equipment Research Council (EPERC) EPERC EU Technolgy Platforms EPERC as Technolgy Platforms- prospective Lukasz Ciupinski European Pressure Equipment Research Council, Poland 03.10.2005 Nicosia
Agenda2 Challenges and the way forward in standardization in the pressure sector Current status of standardization The Challenges and the way forward Sources of Information Nouredine Hakimi European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Belgium 03.10.2005 Nicosia
Agenda3 EU Trade Policy in the Pressure Equipment Sector An Industry Perspective Review of current situation Pressure equipment in the EU Pressure equipment outside the EU Directions for Future Trade Policy In European Economic Area (EEA) Outside EEA Frank Wohnsland German Engineering Federation (VDMA), Germany 03.10.2005 Nicosia
What you gain from this? All information about the EPERC Current situation and way forward in standardisation An Industry Perspective on Pressure Equipment 03.10.2005 Nicosia
WELCOME TO WORKING GROUP 4 03.10.2005 Nicosia