HOW TO CHECK YOUR PROGRESS Am I keeping up with my lessons? How many more lessons do I need to do? How many lessons a week do I need to do to finish on time?
Login to your account.
Click on the Progress button.
Choose “Progress”
It will show your student’s current progress by percentage It will show your student’s current progress by percentage. (look at key)
Find and click on “View Progress Details”
It will show your student’s progress by percentage.
You should mark the box “Number of Lessons”
Then click on the “Update” button.
You will now see your student’s progress by lessons.
Now click on “View Progress Details”
Now it gives you information about lessons.
Total Lessons You’ve Completed so Far
Total number of lessons you have left to complete.
Total completed lessons + Total remaining lessons = Total lessons for the year
Number of lessons to complete each week to finish on time
Not-Mastered lessons These will not count towards your student’s overall progress. Please go over these lessons with your student. Go through their missed questions (on the checkpoint) and review the lesson/content before they attempt the checkpoint again. Once these “not-mastered” lessons are MASTERED, they will count towards your overall progress for that subject.