Land Use in a Watershed Unit 1: The Hydrosphere
Why is classifying land use important? Can be organized into urban, agriculture, wetland, and forest Can be further broken down when necessary Our land uses affect the quantity and quality of water that drains from a watershed We can then protect the subsequent water resources for drinking, recreation, and wildlife habitat
Remote Sensing Alternative to land use surveys done in the field Can view change overtime
The Effects of Land Use On… Water runoff quantity Water quality Habitat surrounding the water
Runoff Quantity After it rains, rain water can Evaporate Percolate into the groundwater Runoff into other bodies of water In a wooded area, water is slowed by vegetation and soil, likely to get “trapped” in that habitat In an urban area, water is likely to run right on by to the nearest body of water Impervious surfaces – do not allow rainfall to soak through and seep into the ground Why do we care? Why is this important? Flooding…
Why would evapotranspirtation be different?
Water Quality How does water become polluted? Point sources – can be traced to a single point Water that empties into a river from a wastewater treatment plant Deepwater Horizon oil spill (2010) Non-point sources – come from many sources Runoff from city streets or golf courses
Habitat When land uses changes, some habitats are destroyed, while others are created Fine for species that can adapt, not for those have specific habitat requirements Riparian Zones/Areas – areas of land bordering the edges of rivers and streams Provide habitat for a diverse range of terrestrial species Also impact aquatic habitats (i.e. trees provide shade) Control runoff and filter water (think wetlands) Riverside High School