“Land Between the Rivers” Mesopotamia “Land Between the Rivers”
Mesopotamia Between Tigris and Euphrates Use rivers for artificial irrigation by building canals and reservoirs
Sumer Used artificial irrigation to increase food supplies Supported increasing population and attracted migrants Population near 100,000 by 3000 BCE Sumerians dominant people of Mesopotamia
Semitic Migrants Semitic languages-Akkadian, Aramaic, Hebrew, Phoenician (Arabic and Hebrew today) Nomadic herders from Syria and Arabia Intermarried with Sumerians Sumerians build cities, 4000 BCE -Political, military, cultural, and economic centers Marketplaces from trade Authority over surrounding regions Organized religions, writing, and formal education
City-States Uruk, Lagash, Nippur, Kish States- formal government institutions that wielded authority throughout territories Ensure peace and cooperation within city Oversaw agricultural affairs surrounding cities Built palaces, temples, and walls- laborers organized by city authorities Ziggurats- stepped pyramids that house temples and altars Uruk ziggurat built in 3200 BCE by 1500 laborers to honor fertility goddess
City-States Irrigation systems Abundant wealth attracted raids from outside cities Build defensive walls and organize military forces Creates demand for recognized authority
Kings Early governments of assemblies of prominent men Individual rulers establish monarchs 3000 BCE- Cities have kings who cooperate with nobles (military)