Lesson Plans 7th Grade Regular/Pre AP Monday, August 22, 2016 Lesson Plans 7th Grade Regular/Pre AP
Warm-up Monday, August 22, 2016 On a sheet of paper write your name at the top and answer the following questions in paragraph from in complete sentences. 1. How do you feel about math? 2. What is favorite thing about math? 3. What is your least favorite thing about math? 4. What do you expect out of this school year? Be Ready to Share Out
Welcome to the 2016-2017 School Year From Mrs. Brewer
Objective Scholars will understand expectations and materials needed to be successful in math class for the 2016-2017 school year.
Agenda Warm up Objective Agenda Secret to Success (4:50) Entering Class Procedures School Supplies 5 step Discipline Syllabus Statement of Expectations (PreAP only) Classroom Website Review Homework Exit Procedures
Eric Thomas: Secrets to Success
Entering Procedures 1. Come in Quietly 2. Sharpen Pencil 3. Copy Objective 4. Complete Warm-up 5. Wait for instructions
School Supplies 2 boxes of tissue pack of Crayola glue sticks 2 packs of 8-10 count Crayola markers Hand sanitizer 1 ½ to 2 in. 3 ring Binder 5 count dividers 24 pack of #2 pencils 2 Composition Notebooks
5 Step Discipline Plan Warning Demerit/Reflection Room/ Right Your Wrong Phone Call Home Parent & Teacher Conference Visit to Administration
Syllabus (Separate Document) Course Description Instruction and Group Work Homework Interactive Journal Classroom Expectations Grading Policy Extra Credit Absences
Statement of Expectations PreAP handout
Classroom Website www.ymla7thgrademath2022.weebly.com
Review What are the entering procedures? What do you need tomorrow? When do you bring your school supplies? What is due Friday? What do you use the classroom website for?
What you need for tomorrow Composition Notebook (Can be any color) 1 ½ to 2 inch 3 ring Binder 5 count dividers Pictures if you choose to decorate
Homework due Friday School supplies Get syllabus signed by you parent (100%) Statement of Expectations (PreAP only)
Exiting Procedures The bell does not dismiss you. I do! Everyone needs to be seated When the classroom is cleaned and quiet I will dismiss you.
See you tomorrow!!!