Comparative Commentary/Paper 1
Basic Overview: You will be give two sets of unseen texts (so 4 texts in total) in which you will have to write a comparison essay. The texts will be linked by a common subject and it is your job to determine how and why they are connected. Because you only need to write on one of the sets of texts, you will need to quickly determine which ones you wish to use. Example: Section A Section B Text 1 (a) & Text 1 (b) or Text 2 (a) & Text 2 (b) Linked subject: water Linked subject: Energy conservation
Audience ( who are the texts aimed at?) Subject (what are they about?) Read the passages ‘out loud’ ( inside your heads in the exam! ) Listen for their tones and think about how meaning is organized into units that make sense for the reader or listener. Mark the passage with highlighters as you read, making notes on any outstanding characteristics. Then make notes on general characteristics:- On Text 1(a), make a deliberate note about the following (do not move on to Text 1 (b) until do this): Audience ( who are the texts aimed at?) Subject (what are they about?) Purposes (what are they intended to achieve? Why were they written?) Purpose examples: to inform, to explain, the persuade (the reader) that..., to argue that..., to entertain, to express (sorrow, joy, anger etc.)
This should make up the rest of your commentary. SPECSLIM S ubject P urpose E motion C raftsmanship S tructure L anguage I magery M ovement/mood S ymbols This should make up the rest of your commentary. One paragraph (or section) MUST be dedicated to how the literary devices/language (metaphor, alliteration, onomatopoeia, personification, repetition etc.) develop the themes and purposes of both passages. Symbols and imagery can also be included in this section. You must also dedicate a section to comparing the emotions of both passages (i.e. the tones – formal, joyous, somber, encouraging, reflective etc.)