L2 L1 d=L2*sin() ~ L2*(c/L1) d=L2*sin() ~ L2*(c/L1) Upper Bearing Lower Bearing Dial Indicator L1 L2 L1 = Distance from upper bearing to lower bearing = 75+48=123” * L2 = Distance from lower bearing to dial indicator (24.5 would be bottom of coupling hub) * * Per drawing QM90000--00019A6 c = diametrical clearance: 0.008 – 0.012” = angle between shaft parallel to bearing centerlines and shaft pushed to extreme ends of clearance ~ c/L1 d = as shown on figure (d=c*L2/L1) Swing = c+2*d = c+2*c*L2/L1 = c*(1+2*L2/L1) Using c=0.012, L1=123”, L2=24.5, we compute swing = 0.012*(1+2*24.5/123)= 0.017”