Thriving in Every Season Staying Green Thriving in Every Season
Therefore, do not throw away your confidence Therefore, do not throw away your confidence. For you have need of endurance, SO THAT when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised. Hebrews 10:35-36
Confidence: a feeling or consciousness of one’s power or reliance on one’s circumstances
What causes you to throw away your confidence?
As women, we have a God-wired need for ___________.
As women, we have a God-wired need for SECURITY.
Jeremiah 17:5-8 Cursed vs. Blessed
Cursed: (miserable) Trusts in Man Depends on Flesh Heart turns away from God Like a bush in the wasteland Will not see prosperity when it comes Dwell in parched places
Cursed: Like a bush in the desert
Blessed (Happy!) Trusts in the Lord Confidence in Him Like a tree planted by water Does not fear when heat comes Has no worries in a year of drought Never fails to bear fruit
Blessed: Like a tree planted by water…its leaves are ALWAYS GREEN…and never fails to bear fruit
Therefore, do not throw away your confidence Therefore, do not throw away your confidence. For you have need of endurance, SO THAT when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised. Hebrews 10:35-36
SO THAT: Clause that changes the mood of a sentence to one of purpose or result Connects truth of scripture to a practical application of that truth So that answers the question “why?”
Application: Why do we throw away our confidence?
1) We may be tempted to throw away our confidence when God doesn’t respond to our cries for help immediately. (John 11:1-6)
STAYING GREEN: What is the “SO THAT” in verse 4? “This illness does not lead to Death; it is for the glory of God, SO THAT the Son of God may be glorified.
2) We may be tempted to throw away our confidence when God doesn’t respond the way we asked or hoped. (John 11:7-16)
STAYING GREEN: What is the “SO THAT” in verse 15? “(Jesus said) I am glad I was not there, SO THAT you may believe.
3) We may be tempted to throw away our confidence when we believe only what we already think or understand. With God nothing is impossible. (John 11:17-44) See John 9:1-3
STAYING GREEN: What is the “SO THAT” in verse 3? “Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, Or his parents, but SO THAT The works of God might be displayed in him.”
STAYING GREEN: What were the end results of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead? John 11:45
: STAYING GREEN What one thing to you need To trust God for, stop throwing Away your confidence and Bear fruit?? What might God say: “Do this SO THAT _________!”