Module Production in Brussels Smooth module production with hybrids we have Frames thickness problem under control Able to produce 4 plates per day Bias resistance Tracker week July 2005 9/12/2018 | pag. 1
Assembly Plates All plates in Brussels R5 plates to be adapted no obvious vaccuum problem remain R5 plates to be adapted graphite level too high cut is down in Aachen workshop increase sensor level with ‘blue tape’ we use the second solution seems to be stable in precision we will increase the tape thickness from 50 to 80 mm Titel van de presentatie 9/12/2018 | pag. 2
R5-R6-R7 frames Glue spot added between kapton-carbon Solution about one year ago some frames are too thick Solution the frame production centers (Brussels-Aachen) will remove the glue if the frame is too thick threshold for frame thickness is 880 mm plates should accommodate frame up to 900 mm (without glue!) contact : J. Wickens and W. Braunschweig Titel van de presentatie 9/12/2018 | pag. 3
Frames are too thick Frame too thick only on specific places These glue points will be removed Silicon glue put when assembling module (Gantry) frame sensor kapton frame sensor Araldite glue put when assembling frame (manual) In the corner of the sensor to make the bonding between PA and sensor easier is this area. Titel van de presentatie 9/12/2018 | pag. 4
Module Precision Most of the modules are Grade-A corrections via dry assemblies prior to real assemblies extra corrections for the influence of the glue after having assembled some plates some Grade-B modules before these corrections Usually producing 3 plates per day 4 plates/day has be reached during some days no obvious problem observed as we do not have a closing period of our lab, technicians take holidays at random, therefore we made on average 3 rather than 4 plates per day Titel van de presentatie 9/12/2018 | pag. 5
Statistics of assembly The number of modules we already made Up to this weekend Remaining hybrids about 15 R5N about 8 R6 Finished by the end of the week R3 175 R5N 82 R5S 47 R6 110 R6 (align) 17 total 431 Titel van de presentatie 9/12/2018 | pag. 6
Bias resistance issues Resistance between HV-line and sensor backplane should be less than 10W we scratch (clean) the backplane in order to reach a lower resistance using a softer brush (TEC agreement since months) efficiency of having a low resistance was low now we are using a harder brush (provided by Karlsruhe) TEC community will monitor this resistance via some Excell based DataBase (M. Krammer) each center will measure these resistances posterior to module assembly Titel van de presentatie 9/12/2018 | pag. 7
Proposal speed-up Production stop for two weeks during the last two weeks of July we will probably be out of hybrids (even now we are only making 2 plates per day) more than 2 FTE will do nothing in this period Proposal to glue each day one plate only frame and sensor (no hybrid) the hybrid can be added whenever they arrive should keep track of xml-files will have to put the frame two times on the Gantry plates (could damage the precision holes) when hybrids arrive we could make 5 plates per day during some weeks (depending on the type of arriving hybrids) To be discussed in TEC community Titel van de presentatie 9/12/2018 | pag. 8
Conclusion Smooth production in Brussels Frames thickness issue apparently reduced by ‘blue tape’ solution Producted already 431 modules Expect a hole in the production due to hybrid delivery (end of July) Titel van de presentatie 9/12/2018 | pag. 9