Warm-Up – WEEK 30 What did you do to “Sharpen the Saw” over Spring Break? Write one thing for each of the 4 dimensions: Body Mind Heart Soul
Welcome to 9th Grade AVID Assignments Due: None Page 1 and week 1 of academic contracts due Friday, April 6th - 20 points MONDAY – Meet in library computer lab Today’s Agenda: Tuesday March 27, 2018 Warm-Up Pass back graded papers Update AVID folder and portfolio GPA #6 Academic Contracts Essential Question: Am I on track to reach my GPA goal? Objective: I will calculate my current GPA and set a new goal for 4th quarter.
Remaining Dates for Planner: Tutorials Binder Checks 4/4-5 4/11-12 4/19-20 4/27 5/2-3 5/9-10 5/16-17 5/24-25 4/13 – in class 4/27 – with mentor 5/11 – in class 5/24-25 – with mentor
GPA #6 Add the number 6 at the top of your form Look up your grades for 3rd quarter Make sure you complete both sides Turn in to the class basket You have 8 minutes
Academic Contracts NEXT Friday, April 6th – Front page AND Week 1 are DUE If your grades are all C’s or higher, you will be DONE with your contract If you have any D’s or F’s, you will continue on to Week 2
Take out a piece of paper and fold it into 4 squares
Goal Success Fear Dream
Wednesday/ Thursday
Warm-Up Write 3 sentences about what this quote means to you or how you can apply it in your own life.
Welcome to 9th Grade AVID Assignments Due: None Page 1 and week 1 of academic contracts due Friday, April 6th - 20 points BOTH BLOCK DAYS – Meet in library computer lab Today’s Agenda: Wed/Thu March 28/29, 2018 Warm-up Take Cornell Notes about What Colleges Look For Essential Question: What do colleges look for when selecting students for admission? Objective: I will be able to list several characteristics that college admissions officers look for in an applicant.
Set up your paper for Cornell Notes Essential Question: What do colleges look for when selecting students for admission?
What Colleges Look For (and Scholarship Committees)
1. Academics (G.P.A. and Class Rank) Your GPA or Grade Point Average is comprised of all the grades you’ve earned on your high school transcript and averaged together. If you’re high school is on a “4 point system”, then a 4.0 would signify that you’ve earned all A’s in your respective courses. Along with your GPA goes your Class Rank. Class Rank is loosely described as where you fit in when compared to other students in your graduating class using your GPA. For instance, if you have an overall GPA of 3.75/4.0 and your Class Rank is 50 out of 400 students, that means there are 49 other kids in your graduating class that have a better Grade Point Average than you do. So the higher the GPA you earn, the higher your Class Rank will be. (highest being #1 in your class). Source :http://collegeprepu.com/
2. Test Scores (ACT/SAT) Taken during your junior year, the ACT is probably the most important test for college entrance. Most schools work on what is called a “sliding scale” for admission. This basically means that the higher GPA/Class Rank you have, the lower the ACT Composite score you will need to gain admission. And, it works the other way also. The higher the ACT Composite score you earn, the lower the GPA/Class Rank you will be able to get away with and still get admitted. Keep in mind that all colleges differ with regard to how low of a GPA or ACT score you can get and still get accepted. The average ACT composite score in Arizona is 22 out of 36 The average SAT score is 1500 out of 2400 for the old SAT and 1000 for the new SAT test (beginning in 2016)
3. Course Rigor When colleges receive a transcript from you for evaluation, chances are they will want to see what courses you chose to take in high school. Did you challenge yourself, or did you take relatively easy courses that you could get an easy A in? Colleges are looking for the students that challenged themselves in high school by taking Honors and/or Advanced Placement courses as opposed to lower level classes. Course rigor is important in demonstrating to your prospective college that you are capable of handling college level work. Those students who earning a high GPA, but didn’t take any challenging courses in high school run the risk of being denied admission based on their weak course selection. It does happen, so take the highest level courses in each subject area that you will get a B or better in. If you cannot earn at least a B, do not take the higher level course.
4. Letters of Recommendation Admissions officers rely on letters of recommendation to let them know how others view you. Be sure to pick your recommenders wisely. If your recommender doesn't know you that well, it will show through in his/her letter.
5. College Admissions Essay/ Personal Insight Questions The college admissions essay, or personal insight questions, allows you to show your uniqueness to admissions officers. Counselors look for application essays that are honest and provide supplemental information. Do not restate the information found on your transcript and application. Instead, write about your desires, your goals, special events in your life, community service, leadership, etc.
5. Personal Insight Questions 1. Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time. (350 Word Maximum) 2. Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side. (350 Word Maximum) 3. What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time? (350 Word Maximum) 4. Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced. (350 Word Maximum)
5. Personal Insight Questions 5. Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement? (350 Word Maximum) 6. Describe your favorite academic subject and explain how it has influenced you. (350 Word Maximum) 7. What have you done to make your school or your community a better place? (350 Word Maximum) 8. What is the one thing that you think sets you apart from other candidates applying to the University of California? (350 Word Maximum)
6. Extra Curricular Involvement/Community Service Being involved outside of the classroom shows good initiative and time management skills. Colleges want to see that well-rounded student, not just top grades and scores. Being a member of a club or sports team is a great choice. But do your best to take it a step further. For instance, if you are a member of Student Council, consider running for an office such as Treasurer, Vice President or even President! The top colleges are looking for leaders, and what better way to show them that you are a leader than by holding office or running a club or activity. If sports is more your thing, strive to be named a team captain. This displays outstanding leadership and colleges love that when its combined with a solid academic background. Most colleges are looking for 200+ hours of community service!
7. Work and Entrepreneurial Experiences Part-time work experience, an internship or summer job, even starting your own business can provide excellent essay material to showcase your maturity, initiative, work ethic as well as interpersonal and time-management skills
8. Other Factors There are numerous other factors that can play a role in the admissions decision including: geographical diversity (students from places other than the communities surrounding the college) legacy (your grandparents or parents attended the same university) ethnic heritage socio- economic background (colleges typically give more financial aid to less fortunate students) first in family to go to college ability to overcome adversity (death, single parent home, etc.)
Colleges are Looking for the “Total Package” 5. Personal Statement (College Admissions Essay) 1. Academics 2. Test Scores Extra Curricular Involvement 3. Course Rigor Work and Entrepreneurial Experiences Letters of Recommendation 8. Other Factors
Types of College Degrees Type of College: 4 Year College or University Degrees Available: Doctoral Degree (i.e. PhD, Ed.D) Average Completion Rate for Degree: 7-8 years Graduate Degree Type of College: 4 Year College or University Degrees Available: Master of Arts (M.A.) or Master of Science (M.S.) Average Completion Rate for Degree: 2-3 years Type of College: 4 Year College or University Degrees Available: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Average Completion Rate for Degree: 4-6 years Undergraduate Degree Type of College: Community College, Junior College, Trade School Degrees Available: Associate of Arts (A.A.) or Associate of Science (A.S.) Average Completion Rate for Degree: 2-3 years
College Entrance Game 4.0 3.6 3.1 2.9 4.2 3.2 2.8 3.5
5 Rules Colleges DON’T want you to know about admissions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t16IK0T75nU
Cornell Notes Write 6 questions – 4 questions about the 8 things college admissions look for – and 2 questions about the 5 Rules colleges don’t want you to know Write a 5 sentence summary
College Research Brochures The purpose of the project is to highlight the most important information you learned while researching your chosen college. Use the College Information Worksheet while preparing your project. You will be creating a two-sided brochure for that will be presented to the class on FRIDAY, April 6. Your graded project will be placed in your portfolio. Required Content: Location of college (include a map and address) Description of the city where the college is located (size, weather, population, attractions, activities, etc.) Size of college (physical size & enrollment) Minimum of 5 pictures of the college Admission requirements (G.P.A., tests, community service, etc.) Academics (what majors are offered that interest you, student faculty ratio, average class size) College expenses (tuition, books & supplies, room & board, etc.) Housing & Requirements (dorms, apartments) Facilities (library, computer lab, tutoring center, gym, etc.) Extra Curricular Activities & Sports (that interest you) You MUST research a DIFFERENT college than you chose first semester
College Research Brochures Grading Based On: Possible Points Content Includes all information listed in the “Required Content” section above (five points each) 50 Presentation Presents to small group 15 Creativity/Visual Appeal of Project 10 Total 75
College Research Brochures You will find links to the Microsoft Word template to start creating your brochure on my teacher website under AVID and Assignments http://cusd80.com/Domain/913