Test prep Etapa Preliminar
memorise 1. Ser = to be with pronouns Yo soy , tu eres etc… 2. Express likes and dislikes
2. Numbers 0-10 3. Greetings 4. Ask name, nationality People Places VOCAB p.21 Vocab . P, 47 1. Day of the week 2. Numbers 0-10 3. Greetings 4. Ask name, nationality People Places Professions Activities Greetings ( how are you etc…) respond
LEER ( reading) read p. 42-43 de Libro Intonation, pronuncation Prepare both pages
Hablar ( Speaking) 1.Greet 3.What is your name? 5.answer 7. Nice to meet you 9. answer 10. Where are you from? 12. Farewell 2. Greet 4.Answer & what is your name? 6.Nice to meet you 8. where are you from? 11. answer 13. Farewell