Bibliografia DEFERRED Shawn Hargreaves and Mark Harris Leagues Under the Sea - Deffered Shading. p, Leagues/6800_Leagues_Deferred_Shading.pdf. Martin Mittring, A bit more Deferred – Cry Engine 3, Michal Valient. Deferred Rendering in Killzone publications/dr_kz2_rsx_dev07.pdf. Johan Andersson – Parallel Graphics in Frostbite – Current & Future –– Siggraph W. Engel. Designing a Renderer for Multiple Lights: The Light Pre-PassRenderer. In ShaderX7: Advanced Rendering Techniques. Charles River Media, Boston, MA, Frank Puig Placeres, Overcoming Deferred Shading Drawbacks, pp. 115 – 130, ShaderX5 Andrew Lauritzen. Deferred rendering for current and future rendering pipelines. SIGGRAPH Course: Beyond Programmable Shading, Matt Swoboda. Deferred lighting and post processing on playstation 3. Game Developer Conference, 2009.
INFERRED Kircher, Lawrance - Inferred Lighting: Fast dynamic lighting and shadows for opaque and translucent objects Kircher - Lighting & Simplifying Saints Row: The Third Mike Flavin - Lightning the apocalypse: rendering techniques in red faction: armageddon PRELIGHTNING Mark Lee - Pre-lightning in Resistance 2 Mark Lee - Prelightning LIGHT INDEXED DECOUPLED Gabor Liktor, Carsten Dachsbacher – 2011 – Decoupled Deferred Shading for hardware rasterization TILED SHADING