Clues from the resilient by Stephen H. Friend, and Eric E. Schadt Science Volume 344(6187):970-972 May 30, 2014 Published by AAAS
Talk the talk.“The Resilience Project” is described in a Technology, Entertainment, Design (TED) conference. Talk the talk.“The Resilience Project” is described in a Technology, Entertainment, Design (TED) conference. See Stephen H. Friend, and Eric E. Schadt Science 2014;344:970-972 Published by AAAS
The search.A scheme to identify new treatments for disease is shown that begins with screening large populations of seemingly healthy people for disease-associated variations in their genomes. The search.A scheme to identify new treatments for disease is shown that begins with screening large populations of seemingly healthy people for disease-associated variations in their genomes. Once validated, multiple dimensions of data on a resilient individual would be combined with existing knowledge and clinical genetic expertise to generate an in-depth characterization that could point to new ways to suppress a disease trait. Stephen H. Friend, and Eric E. Schadt Science 2014;344:970-972 Published by AAAS