OUTLINES What is spintronics? Principle Classifications Working Electronics Vs. Spintronics Applications Conclusion
What is Spintronics? Spintronics is the branch of science which deal with spin of electrons. It refers to the study of the role played by the electronic spin in solid state physics. It promises new logic devices which enhances functionality , high speed and reduced power consumption.
Principle Spintronics is based on the spin of electrons rather than its charge. Every electron exist in one of the two states- spin up(1) or spin down(0). Ferro-magnetic materials is needed for spin electronic devices.
Classifications of Spintronics Spintronics may be divided into two Semiconductor Magneto Electronics Magnetic functions in semconductor is implemented for new functions Quantum Spin Electronics Main focus on quantum mechanical nature of spin in semiconductor
Working Electron spin represent a bit(qubit) of information. These are used for quantum computing When electron spin are aligned,a large scale of net magnetic moment is created Spin orientation of conduction electronssurvives for relatively long time(nanoseconds)which makes spintronic device useful for memory storage and magnetic sensor applications.
Electronics Vs. Spintronics Main advantage of spintronics over electronics is the magnets tend to stay magnetize which is used in replacing semiconductor based components with magnetic ones(RAM). No ‘boot-up’ waiting period when power is turned ON It doesn’t require the use of unique and specialized semiconductor, there by allowing it to work with common metals like Cu,Al,Ag.
Spintronics will use less power than conventional electronics, because the energyneeded to change spin is a minute fraction of what is needed to push charge around. Another advantage includes Non volatility: Spins don’t change when power is turned OFF.
Applications MRAM GMR Fast and accurate position and motion sensing of mechanical components in precision engineering and robotics. Missile Guidance Position and motion sensing in gaming. Key Hole Surgery and post operative care.
Conclusion Spintronics may be the best mechanism for creating ever-smaller devices.The potential market is enormous, In near future, Spintronics will be on par with electronics. That’s why there’s a huge race going on around the world in exploring Spintronics.