N. А. Navolokin. a, D. A. Mudraka, I. L. Plastunb, A. B N.А. Navolokin*a, D.A. Mudraka, I.L. Plastunb, A.B. Bucharskayaa, K.E. Agandeevab, G.A. Afanasyevaa, N.V. Polukonovaa, G.N. Maslyakovaa aSaratov State Medical University, 112 B. Kazachaya street, Saratov, Russia, 410012 bYuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, 77, Polytechnicheskaya st., Saratov 410054, Russia
Methods and Materials The influence of flavonoid-containing extract of gratiola officinalis with antitumor activity on the intensity of peroxidation and content of vitamin E in the blood serum was studied in rats with transplanted liver cancer PC-1. It was found that the content of malondialdehyde, lipid hydroperoxides and average mass molecules was decreased in animals with transplanted tumors after intramuscular and oral administration of extract gratiola officinalis in a dose of 110 mg/mL. Animals were removed from the experiment by decapitation and their blood was taken for further studies 24 hours after administration of the extract. The levels of average mass molecules (AMM), malondialdehyde (MDA), lipid hydroperoxides (GPL), vitamin E were determined in blood serum of rats by conventional spectrophotometric method using an spectrophotometer SF-UV 1800 ( Shimadzu, Japan).
Results. The content of malone dialdehyde in blood serum Note: The significant differences are marked in bold, with p <0.05 and Z> 2.
The content of average mass molecular in the blood serum of animals Note: The significant differences are marked in bold, with p <0.05 and Z> 2.
The content of lipid hydroperoxide in plasma of animals Note: The significant differences are marked in bold, with p <0.05 and Z> 2.
The content of vitamin E in the blood plasma of animals Note: The significant differences are marked in bold, with p <0.05 and Z> 2.