x x x x $ $ $ $ SUMMARY COST OPINION
RRVT IMPROVEMENTS Wagonwheel Bridge River St RRVT Extend trail along 5th Street from Greene St. to River St. Extend 5th St to Trailhead Parking 169 / Nile Kinnick Dr S RRVT IMPROVEMENTS S 9th St S 7th St S 6th St S 5th St Racoon River
RRVT IMPROVEMENTS: COSTS + FEASIBILITY CONSIDERATIONS Requires coordination between Dallas County, City of Adel, IDOT, and private property owners (property acquisition, implementation, and long-term operations) Phase River Trailhead implementation as Dallas County land becomes available (1 5th St., parking lot and plaza, 2 greenspace, 3 water access) Implementation costs not provided for water trail access. Additional feasibility study is recommended (modifications to 100 year floodplain) Committee may need to engage consultants (landscape architect, civil/geotechnical engineer, mechanical/electrical/plumbing engineer, and structural engineer) for detailed design, construction documentation, bidding assistance, and construction administration services Discuss prioritization, phasing, and funding opportunities RRVT IMPROVEMENTS: COSTS + FEASIBILITY CONSIDERATIONS
FEASIBILITY CONSIDERATIONS Requires coordination between City of Adel and IDOT (design review, implementation, and long-term operations) Potential storm sewer utility conflict / operational implications Gateway features set new precedent / design character to be replicated elsewhere (public and private gateways) Committee may need to engage consultants (landscape architect and structural engineer) for detailed design, construction documentation, bidding assistance, and construction administration services Discuss prioritization, phasing, and funding opportunities EAST GATEWAY: COSTS + FEASIBILITY CONSIDERATIONS
SOUTH GATEWAY + SCHOOL CROSSINGS: COSTS + FEASIBILITY CONSIDERATIONS Requires coordination between City of Adel, IDOT, ADM school, and private businesses (design review, implementation, and long-term operations) Piggybacks on current Safe Routes to School study and implementation projects Committee may need to engage consultant (landscape architect) for detailed design, construction documentation, bidding assistance, and construction administration services. Discuss prioritization, phasing, and funding opportunities SOUTH GATEWAY + SCHOOL CROSSINGS: COSTS + FEASIBILITY CONSIDERATIONS
DAM REMOVAL / WHITEWATER PARK: COSTS + FEASIBILITY CONSIDERATIONS No detailed cost estimate provided, cost allowances shown are for planning purposes only, and based on average costs of similar recent projects in Iowa. Water resource engineering study needed to determined feasibility (implications on hydrology, flood control, water treatment, etc.) Reference Iowa DNR dam mitigation program Does an existing feasibility study exist for Adel? DAM REMOVAL / WHITEWATER PARK: COSTS + FEASIBILITY CONSIDERATIONS
FUNDING RESOURCES Funding Opportunities • Grants • Partnerships (private and public) • Trusts and endowments • Fund-raising and donations • Memorials • Volunteer labor • Low-interest loans • Implementation of project in phases Funding Sources • Iowa Department of Transportation • Iowa Department of Natural Resources • Iowa Department of Education • Iowa Department of Economic Development • Utility companies • Trees Forever Grant Programs • Alliant Energy and Trees Forever Branching Out Program • Federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) • Iowa Clean Air Attainment Program (ICAAP) • Iowa DOT/DNR Fund Iowa • Iowa DOT Iowa’s Living Roadways Projects Program • Iowa DOT Living Roadways Trust Fund Program • Iowa DOT Pedestrian Curb Ramp Construction Program • Iowa DOT Statewide Transportation Enhancement Funding • Iowa DNR Recreation Infrastructure Program • Land and Water Conservation Fund • National Recreational Trails Program • Pheasants Forever • Revitalization Assistance for Community Improvement (RACI) Grant Program • State Recreational Trails ProgramTransportation Alternatives Program (TAP) There are many creative ways that communities can raise the resources necessary to fund and implement projects. The following list is a compilation of various sources and opportunities for funding the projects conceptualized during the visioning process. This list is not all-inclusive; it is meant to serve as a tool to assist in brainstorming ideas. FUNDING RESOURCES