Infectious/Non-Infectious Disease


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Presentation transcript:

Infectious/Non-Infectious Disease Non-Infectious Disease (Ch. 23) A non-communicable disease (NCD) Disease which is non- infections and non-transmissible among people. Not transmitted by mean of a pathogen (disease causing agent). - NCD may be chronic disease of long duration and slow progression or may result in more rapid death. Ex. – Cancer, Heart Disease, Asthma, Diabetes, Stroke, etc.

3 Categories of Non-Infectious Diseases Genetic Sex/Gender Familial Disease Tendency

3 Categories of Non-Infectious Diseases Lifestyle High Fat Diet Lack of Sleep Smoking/Smokeless Tobacco Stress Exposure to Sun Lack of Exercise Poor Nutrition

3 Categories of Non-Infectious Diseases Environment Polluted Air and Water Harmful Substances in Food Exposure to Sun Injury/Accident

Infectious Diseases Infectious Disease: A disease caused by organisms- such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasite. Many live in and on our bodies. They’re normally harmless or even helpful, but some organisms may cause disease. Pathogens: microorganisms and viruses that cause diseases Enter your body and multiply making you sick 4 types: Bacterial Viral Fungal Protozoan

Bacterial Air, soil, food, in and on the bodies of plants and animals Some give off toxins or a poison that could grow on the food (food poisoning) Ex: strep throat

Viral 100 times smaller than bacteria A virus can multiply only after entering a living cell Ex: common cold

Fungal Yeast, molds, and mushrooms are known as fungi Grows in warm, dark, moist areas. Ex: athletes foot

Protozoans Single-celled organisms that are much larger than bacteria Can move through fluids to search for food Ex: Malaria (infects red blood cells causing weakness and nausea)

How Pathogens Are Spread Infected people Shaking hands Indirect contact like coughs or sneezing Infected Animals Objects Doorknobs, eating utensils, towels, cups Food, Soil, or Water Salmonella found in poultry and eggs E. coli found in beef Drinking water that is contaminated by sewage