13. Reviling & Rejoicing Acts 13:44-52 p. 1018
“My Space” This is my good space. Imagine there was no space. People from all over Vancouver are here. Feel a bit like an invasion. That’s what happened in Pisidian Antioch
Psidian Antioch & Syrian Antioch
1. “Reviling” They … “heaped abuse on him” (v 45) The previous Sabbath they had been interested (v 42) Now they didn’t like it any more. They started contradicting, opposing and reviling. We too can get comfortable with our faith … Ignore parts that make us uncomfortable. We must pursue our new life in Christ (Phil 3:12-14)
2. “Resolution” In verse 47 they quote Isaiah 49:6 – “… light for the Gentiles … bring salvation to ends of earth” From the second “Servant Song” in Isaiah. Identifies Israel as God’s servant (Isa 49:3). In Isaiah 53 we realize faithful Israel is one man. He suffers to bring restoration and salvation
2. “Resolution” . . . The work of the suffering servant continues through the restored remnant of faithful people. “light to the Gentiles … take salvation to ends of the earth” Even ourselves suffering to bring salvation to others. They were not intimidated or held back Shows the intimate link between Jesus’ work and our role and responsibility
3. “Rejoicing” The Gentiles were overwhelmed The word spread – They “rejoiced” and “honoured” the word of God (v 48) This was great news! (Ac 13:38-39) The word spread – Not just as information .. but as “Joy” in the Holy Spirit They took the word to those who wanted to hear. We should do the same.
3. “Rejoicing” . . . God is involved in the spread of His word and in the choice people make. We bring the message, God changes the hearts. How someone responds to Gospel not our responsibility Paul and Barnabas shake off the dust from their feet Jesus said it would be a judgment against them (Luke 9:5)
Living It Beware getting comfortable with less than full Gospel Application of the “Servant Song” Highlights how deeply we are involved in God’s work. We become “suffering servants” taking salvation to ends of the earth. We take the message to those who are interested We are not responsible for how people respond.