Love Defined
Introduction In considering the various essential qualities of a Christian life, love is foremost and foundational (Matthew 22:37-40). One cannot be saved without it (1 Corinthians 13:1-3). What, then, is love? How is Christian love different from other kinds of love, such as romantic love, family love, or the love of friendship?
Greek Words for Love Greek Word Category Character Agape / Agapao Christian Will / Volition Philia / Phileo Friendship Affection / Emotion Storge / Stergo Family Natural / Unbidden Eros Sexual Physical / Passionate
Agape Agape love is not simply an emotion that rises unbidden in our hearts; rather, it is an expression of the will – a principle by which we live. Described as unconquerable benevolence and undefeatable goodwill, it causes us to seek the highest good of another (Matthew 7:12; Romans 13:8-10; 1 Corinthians 13:4-7).