Greek and Latin Roots Week 12
ten/tain Meaning: hold Examples: detain tenacious Delay; keep from proceeding tenacious Stubborn; a firm hold
tend/tens Meaning: stretch; strive Examples: contend tense to struggle Tightly stretched
Word Associations Which word goes with confine? Which word goes with “hold tightly”? Which word goes with “fight back”? Which word goes with extended?
term Meaning: end; limit Examples: terminal terminate Concluding, final; fatal terminate end
therap Meaning: attend; treat Examples: therapeutic therapist Having healing powers therapist Specialist in a particular therapy
Word Associations Which word goes with doctor? Which word goes with cancel? Which word goes with curative? Which word goes with lethal?
top/topo Meaning: place; region Examples: topography topophobia The configuration of a land surface topophobia Fear of certain places
tort/torqu Meaning: twist; turn Examples: retort contort A quick reply that turns the speaker’s words to one’s own advantage contort Twist out of shape
Word Associations Which word goes with “a come back”? Which word goes with Earth’s surface? Which word goes with “to be scared of”? Which word goes with bend?
tran Meaning: across; through Examples: transgression translucent The exceeding of a limit or boundary translucent Clear; lucid
trem Meaning: tremble; shake Examples: tremendous tremor Enormous; able to make one tremble tremor A shaking movement; a trembling or quivering
Word Associations Which word goes with size? Which word goes with “to go past”? Which word goes with “to see through”? Which word goes with shiver?
uni Meaning: one Examples: unique unanimity One of a kind A consensus or undivided opinion
urb Meaning: city Examples: suburb urbane Residential area outlying a city urbane Refined, sophisticated, suave
Word Associations Which word goes with civilized? Which word goes with rare? Which word goes with “a place to live”? Which word goes with agreement?