Roles of an RSOO in the Management of Safety Information and/or Data


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Presentation transcript:

Roles of an RSOO in the Management of Safety Information and/or Data John Illson Chief, Integrated Safety Management Section Regional Safety Oversight Organizations Symposium 28 October 2011

RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011) Overview of ISM Activities ISM Safety Initiatives Safety Analysis iSTARS Evolving Safety Analysis Tools Safety Monitoring Benefits of information sharing Supporting Continuous Safety Improvement Safety Policy Safety Management Annex Safety Information Protection Implementation Runway Safety Programme RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

iSTARS & ICAO Data Analysis Tools Safety Analysis iSTARS & ICAO Data Analysis Tools RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

Expanding Safety Analysis Capabilities iSTARS can be accessed from the home page of the ICAO public web site. While some information on iSTARS is currently available to the public, access to many types of data (USOAP results) can only be accessed by registered users, including Secretariat staff and representatives from Member States. A registration link can be found on the iSTARS home page. RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

Evolving Safety Analysis Capabilities Report management page sample RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011) Safety Monitoring Information Sharing RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

The Benefits of Information Sharing Aggregation – The combination of multiple like data sources Enhances data quality & increases sample sizes to identify emerging safety issues Enables comparative benchmarking analyses to determine best practices RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

The Benefits of Information Sharing Efficiency Information sharing can reduce or eliminate duplication of effort Proven synergies related to safety audit practices Operational savings realized through proactive use of shared information RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011) A State’s Safety “DNA” Safety DNA composed of USOAP “genes” indicating: Areas of applicability Effective Implementation Safety Deficiencies ANIMATION: State DNA Footprint (Click 1) Shows State DNA (Click 2) Shows ANS Improvement (Click 3) Shows OPS Improvement (Click 4) Concluding Remarks RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011) A State’s Safety “DNA” Targeted improvement in Operations ANIMATION: State DNA Footprint (Click 1) Shows State DNA (Click 2) Shows ANS Improvement (Click 3) Shows OPS Improvement (Click 4) Concluding Remarks Targeted improvement in Air Navigation Services RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

Collaborative Improvement USOAP Areas Aerodrome Air Navigation Significant potential to improve safety through collaboration and information sharing Accident Investigation Airworthiness These strips represent the 900 PQ asked to each country during the audit. Red represents unsatisfactory, green is satisfactory and empty areas represent N/A questions. Operations Pers Licensing Organization Legislation RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

Protecting Safety Information Safety Policy Protecting Safety Information RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

Protecting Safety Information Issue: Shared information must be used for the promotion of safety, not for inappropriate purposes Expected outcome: The Safety Information Protection Task Force is developing enhanced standards & recommended practices consistent with safety management practices RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

Safety Management Update Revised Safety Management Manual will be published in 2012 New Safety Annex (19) Annex proposed to ANC in April 2012 (Nov 2013 applicability) Will contain guidance on the collection, analysis and exchange of safety data /information 19 RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

Regional Runway Safety Initiatives Implementation Regional Runway Safety Initiatives RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

Runway Safety Overview Accidents & Related Fatalities by Occurrence Categories Scheduled Commercial Traffic – MTOW > 2 250 kg (Yrs 2006- 2010 ) Looking at accidents according to occurrence category, it is possible to determine those types of accidents that are accountable for the largest numbers of fatalities. Here you see the top occurrence categories, listed according to the number of accidents attributed to each for the 6 year period from 2005 through 2010. As you can see, runway safety related accidents account for almost 60% of the total., followed by aircraft system component failures, turbulence, those classified as “other,” loss of control – in-flight, controlled flight into terrain, a small number of accidents for which the cause is unknown and finally in-flight fires. Runway safety, which is comprised of multiple occurrences such as runway incursions, runway excursions, and abnormal runway contact (hard or long landings), was the focus of the recent Global Runway Safety Symposium and a series of Regional Runway Safety Seminars that will take place over the next 3 years. Animation (click) - By adding fatal accidents onto this chart we see that, while runway safety related accidents account for over half of the total number of accidents globally, they are responsible for less than 30% of the total number of fatal accidents. Loss of control – in-flight, and controlled flight into terrain each account for just over 20% of all fatal accidents, a disproportionately high percentage given the low proportion of all accidents attributed to these two categories. Animation (click) – Finally, if we look at the percentage of fatalities attributable to each category, we see that the loss of control in-flight category is responsible for the highest percentage of fatalities – approximately 30% of the total even though less than 5% of all accidents were classified as being related to loss of control. Similarly, loss of control and CFIT accidents, while rare, are highly fatal. Based on this assessment of risk, we see that overall, runway safety, CFIT and loss of control combined account for nearly 2/3 of all fatalities. AS there are a significant number of fatalities in the Unknown category, the Secretariat is working to improve the accident classification system to improve this situation. RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

ICAO Runway Safety Programme A-37 Assembly Resolution calling upon States to: Take measures to enhance runway safety through multi-disciplinary Runway Safety Teams (RSTs) The Global Runway Safety Symposium and Regional Runway Safety Seminars will promote establishment of RSTs An Assembly resolution was passed in A-37 to urge States to take measures to enhance runway safety by establishing runway safety programmes that include at least regulators, aircraft operators, air navigation services providers, aerodrome operators and aircraft manufacturers, and that such measures should actively adopt a multi-disciplinary approach. ICAO successfully organized a global runway safety symposium in Montreal from 24 to 26 May 2011, in collaboration with international partners and stakeholders. Subsequent to the global symposium, a series of regional runway safety seminars/workshops will be held in different regions of the world.   RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

Regional Runway Safety Seminars PROPOSED DATE LOCATION STATE CO-HOST International Organisation Co-host 2011: 12 – 14 Oct Miami US FAA IFATCA 2012: 08 Mar Amsterdam EUROCONTROL ATC Global / CANSO 26 Mar Bali Indonesia FSF / AAPA 15 – 17 May Amman IATA Jul Brazil ANAC CANSO Aug Manila Oct / Nov Cape Town 2013: Mar Western Africa (TBA) ACI Jun Europe (TBA) Asia Pacific (TBA) AAPA / IATA Sep RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)

RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011) THANK YOU Add Chinese translation RSOO Symposium (Montréal, 26-28 October 2011)