Corporate parenting Chris Chalmers, Head of Corporate Parenting Val Naylor, Executive Head of Newham Virtual School
What is corporate parenting? Children and Social Work Act 2017 Would this be good enough for my child? Seven principles of corporate parenting – what the children and young people in our care need to thrive Positive culture Working with relevant partners – and schools are key
The seven Corporate Parenting principles – and what they mean in Newham Promote the physical and mental health and well-being of our children Encourage them to express their views, wishes and feelings Take account of these Help them to gain access to and make best use of services of the LA and partners Promote high aspirations and seek to secure the best outcomes Ensure they are safe and have stability in home life, relationships and education or work Prepare them for adulthood and independent living
The looked after children picture in Newham In September 2018 there are 403 children and young people aged 0-18 in care to Newham Of these, 203 are of school age Of these, 101 are at school in Newham (49%) Why are some out of borough? UASC – there are up to 66 in care to Newham at any one time from which countries Age range – largest numbers in Years 10-11 where we currently have 93 young people and 12-13 where there are currently 149 pupils Other boroughs have a similar number of LAC in Newham schools
Outcomes for Newham LAC NB very small numbers in cohorts and some figures not yet verified KS1 2 children reached age related expectation KS2 of 12 children, 42% reached age related expectation in combined Reading, Writing and Maths KS4 27 young people achieved an Attainment 8 of average of 26.4 16 young people have started University this year making a total of 55 of our care leavers at university at present EET last year 61% of our care leavers were in employment, education or training Newham is above the national LAC average at all key stages
The work the Virtual School Statutory role to promote the best possible educational outcomes for our children Admissions Tracking and monitoring Planning – the PEP Pupil premium Exclusions and placement moves Celebration Championing and challenging New duties for previously looked after children
How we work in partnership as corporate parents
Contact details Chris Chalmers Val Naylor 0203 3730938/07964330514