January 07 Action items Documentation on the refence locations onboard the aircraft including navigation system center Table of Calibration parameters Include a cross track orthogonal to the racetracks Flight constraint on winds aloft to minimize crabbing John Ledford to try and provide a systems manual Investigate Apple Raid Server If noise is detected, then mitigitation is to reduce radar bandwidth Coordinate of the Antennas for tomography simulations relative to navigation systems Simulate location of antenna phase centers (?) Operate at 1 Kw (option for limited time operations at 2 Kw if essential) Refined flight tracks to be coincident where possible with earlier atm flights Flight 1 from Sonde at 450 Mhz (hold back second flight as 450 reserve otherwise 150) Form the 25 km data strip for subsequent multilook processing and phase unwrapping Topography from the 25 km data Prepare a experiment document.