Jingle Dancer Vocabulary
ached Past tense of ache: to hurt with a dull, steady pain
pounding Beating sound
glimpse A quick look
daydreamed Past tense of daydream: to have a happy thought about things a person would like to do or have happen
Past tense of shuffle: to drag the feet while walking shuffled Past tense of shuffle: to drag the feet while walking
Past tense of slip: to put on Slip on shoes slipped Past tense of slip: to put on
Past tense of stroll: to walk in a slow, relaxed way. strolled Past tense of stroll: to walk in a slow, relaxed way.
You shuck both corn and oysters shucked Past tense of shuck: to take off You shuck both corn and oysters
Plural of calf: the back part of the lower leg. calves Plural of calf: the back part of the lower leg.
pale Light in color Antonym: Bright Bright yellow vs. Pale Yellow What a pale face he has!!! He needs some sun! pale Light in color Antonym: Bright