Did you know?! Do you care? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecRheslTlwE – Addiction Recognition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGcPPIXER4I – Social media 30 minute documentary. -How have you noticed social media advertising affecting your life? -Based on the documentary, what role does social media have in your future? Think and describe at least 3 specifics, and relate them to your life and your situation. -Why do you think social media has become so successful and popular? What about it appeals to us?
Social Media
photo credit: dbarefoot
What is Social Media? Social Media is an umbrella term that defines the various activities that integrate technology, social interaction, and the construction of words, pictures, videos and audio.
More simply put: Social media is people having conversations online.
Social Media Best Practices Project How do you manage all of these? (Tip: DON’T have all of them) #HashtagHowTo Social Media Best Practices Project How to sell - Instagram version, but applicable to all
These conversations are powered by… Blogs Online Chat Social Networks Message Boards Podcasts Video Sharing Sites Photo Sharing Sites Virtual Worlds Wikis
Why should I care?!
Reason #1 Social media is the number 1 most popular activity on the Internet
Social Media Interesting Facts Social-networking is more popular than adult websites 1 in 5 couples met online 1 in 5 blame Facebook for their divorce YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine with greater than 100 000 000 videos Groupon will reach $1 billion in sales faster than any other company in history
92 billion page views each month YouTube has 490+million users worldwide 400 tweets per minute containing a YouTube link 78 million monthly visitors on Wikipedia More video content is uploaded to YouTube in a 60 day period than the three major U.S. television networks created in 60 years. 90 million users on LinkedIn And all that activity on just two sites! But let’s not forget the 2nd biggest search engine besides Google – YouTube. YouTube has 490million users worldwide viewing 92 billion pages each month. And the stat that blows me away is that more video content is uploaded to YouTube in a 60 day period than the three major US television networks created in 60 years. And users aren’t just using YouTube in a silo, they are Facebooking and Tweeting about it. Over 400 tweets per minute contain a YouTube link. Final two stats that I’ll share today to illustrate the power behind social media is from the business networking site, LinkedIn and that they have grown, not as quickly as the other sites, but recently hit 90 million users. And how can we forget the ultimate user generated content site – Wikipedia. Wikipedia continues to grow and recent hit 78 million monthly visitors. Not suprising given that wikipedia ranks on Google.com for diapers, college, Justin Bieber and everything in between.
Reason #2 78% of people trust the recommendations of other consumers
Reason #3 People are talking about your brand. RIGHT NOW
Reason #4 Social Media is only going to become more pervasive and as such, become a critical factor in the success or failure of any business.
Reason #5
Millennials / Gen Y-ers outnumber Baby Boomers
Social media and Return on Investment Positive Dell - $6.5 M in sales via Twitter Old spice – Increase in sales by 107% Jet Airways – Huge PR resulting into customer loyalty and repeat sales Negative Dominos ‘dirty food’- Sales down by 30% Gap logo change – Sales went down in two weeks United Airlines ‘breaks guitars’ – $1.6 M losses in ticket sales JIMS / Social media and businss / Abhimanyu S.
Some How-To’s Twitter’s Best Practices Facebook Instagram for Business Work in a group of at least 4 people: Divide up the 4 links and summarize what each Social Media Platform suggests for businesses using their website. Present your findings to others in your group. On a piece of chart paper, write down what seems to be similar or common rules for each social media website. When you finish presenting, as a group decide what types of businesses each Social Media tool would be the best fit for. Be prepared to explain or give examples. Twitter’s Best Practices Facebook Instagram for Business Pinterest