The Federal Aviation Administration Presented By: Rick Baker Quality of Service Improvement Program The Federal Aviation Administration Presented By: Rick Baker
Quality of Service Improvement Program Provides methods to exceed standards in the areas of safety and efficiency Suggested elements of a Quality of Service Improvement Program are: ATS performance measurement tools Random recorded reviews Pilot Readback programs Incentives for error free performance
Quality of Service Improvement Program (cont.) Familiarization training ATS customer service feedback Pilot/controller forums Operation Raincheck Pilot visits during pilot recurrent training
ATS Performance Measurement Tools Taxi In/Out time Airport Acceptance Rate (AAR) Meeting AAR? Exceeding AAR? System Capacity Airport Sector Equipment
Random Recorded Reviews Accomplished without controller awareness All errors noted and addressed with controller by supervisor Training Performance Observation Follow-up by QA department
Pilot Readback Programs Controller recognition for catching incorrect clearance readbacks Readback training tapes Educate pilots of importance of full and correct readbacks Use “Say Again” when in doubt Readback full clearance
Incentives for Error Free Performance Letters of commendation Time-off awards For individual controllers For teams of controllers Public recognition
Familiarization Training Provides controllers with a pilot’s viewpoint Educates controllers in aircraft characteristics Performance limitations Navigation features and limitations Promotes pilot/controller dialogue
ATS Customer Service Feedback Demonstrates effective of QA program from user standpoint Highlights problem areas in ATC system Identifies facilities that are safe and efficient Positive feedback builds controller pride
Pilot/Controller Forums Builds face to face relationships Provides opportunity for creative solutions to surface Promotes understanding of pilot needs and controller needs
Operation Raincheck Educates non-professional pilots Services available Equipment capabilities Controller responsibilities Allows live ATC position monitoring Promotes aviation
Pilot Visits During Pilot Recurrent Training All professional pilots have annual recurrent training Promotes a partnership instead of an adversarial relationship Controllers are educated on: Pilot needs Aircraft characteristics