The work due in for today is: FLIP LEARNING TASK: In the next couple of weeks the course will have finished for AS. Please make sure you’re your folder is organised and up to date as this will need to be handed in to be checked. The work due in for today is:
To what extent did rebellions threaten Henry’s position? Good learning: Understand the different rebellions Henry faced Great learning: Explain the causes and the impact the rebellions had Even better: Evaluate how much of a threat the rebellions were to Henry’s position and complete an exam style question. Key Words: How did English society and economy change and with what effects?
What different rebellions did Henry VIII face? Henry VIII’s reign saw various instances of disorder and disobedience which the authorities managed to keep under control. This has lead to some historians arguing that the resistance to the Henrician Reformation was both weak and minimal. However, to what extent was this the case? Task: The first rebellion we will look at is the resistance to taxation: the Amicable Grant. Complete the diagram below using the information on page 103 (new textbook). Cause What are the reasons behind the opposition? Explain what an Amicable Grant is What happened? How widespread was the resistance and where was it mainly targeted? Who were mainly upset with the levy? Explain why Outcome How was the situation handled? What impact did this have on Henry? Good learning Understand the different rebellions Henry faced Great learning Explain the causes and the impact the rebellions had Even better Evaluate how much of a threat the rebellions were to Henry’s position and complete an exam style question. Overall, how much of this was a threats to Henry’s position?
What happened during the Pilgrimage of Grace? Together, the Lincolnshire Rising and the Pilgrimage of Grace comprised the largest single rebellion in the history of Tudor England. It began as a rising which started in Lincolnshire in early October 1536, spread over the Humber into the east Riding of Yorkshire and continued from there into parts of the West Riding around Wakefield and Pontefract. Task: Watch the following clip and add in as much information as you can about the Rebellion on to your mind map. This mind map will also need breaking down into smaller elements. Once complete, swap with your partner so that they can add anything you might have missed Pilgrimage of Grace Causes Key individuals and their roles, etc What happened during the rebellion How did Henry handle the situation How was the rebellion put down? What impact did it have Now use the timeline and diagram on page 104 and the information on page 105 and 107 to add in anything missing. QUESTION: Overall, how much was it a threat to Henry’s position? – watch from 12 minutes to 21.50 Good learning Understand the different rebellions Henry faced Great learning Explain the causes and the impact the rebellions had Even better Evaluate how much of a threat the rebellions were to Henry’s position and complete an exam style question.
Using your understanding of the historical context, assess how convincing the arguments in these three extracts are in relation to the reasons for the outbreak of the Pilgrimage of Grace. (30 marks) Task: On your whiteboards write down everything you can remember about how to structure this question or any general comments about what to do with this type of question. You have each been given a handout with the 3 sources on. I would like you to do the following: Number yourselves 1, 2 or 3 on your table (if there are more than 3 then double up a number) Complete your part of the planning sheet for your particular source They will be sharing the information for each of the sources at the start of next lesson Good learning Understand the different rebellions Henry faced Great learning Explain the causes and the impact the rebellions had Even better Evaluate how much of a threat the rebellions were to Henry’s position and complete an exam style question.
‘English society in the reign of Henry VIII was characterised more by disorder than by order.’ Disagree Agree Task: Write a PEEL paragraph to explain whether you agree or disagree with the statement. Good learning Understand the different rebellions Henry faced Great learning Explain the causes and the impact the rebellions had Even better Evaluate how much of a threat the rebellions were to Henry’s position and complete an exam style question.
The work due in for next lesson is as follows: FLIP LEARNING TASK: Ensure the planning grid for your extract is complete Create yourself a cartoon strip that outlines what happened during the Pilgrimage of Grace. Continue to work on your folders The work due in for next lesson is as follows: