Lakota Society Warrior Society … “Counting Coup” … Tall Ones Kit Fox Strong Heart Badger “Counting Coup” …
“The Heart of Everything that Is”
Race Track – “The Great Race” (1) Great Race: What is the significance of the Great Race story? (2) Great Race: How does this story explain this local culture and geography? (3) White Buffalo Woman: What did she bring to the Lakotas? (4) What do you think of the stories?
Important Local Events: Read pages 360-361, up to “The Indian Wars Conclude,” answering … (1) What ideology is reflected in the quote by Horace Greeley? (2) Summarize events within section, “Conflict Throughout the Plains.” (3) What is mentioned about Captain William Fetterman and the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868? 1874 – Custer Black Hills Expedition 1874-79 – Black Hills Gold Rush 1876 – Battle of the Little Bighorn 1877 – Black Hills Cession 1879 – American Indian Boarding School Movement (first Lakota children taken) 1883 – Court of Indian Offenses 1887 – Dawes Act 1889 – Sioux Act of 1889 1890 – Massacre at Wounded Knee
Camp. (1870). Sioux (Minneconjou Lakota) Camp. (1870). Sioux (Minneconjou Lakota). Fort Sully, Cheyenne River Reservation in South Dakota [Photograph]. Smithsonian-NMAI. Used with permission.
“We told them (government officials) that the supernatural powers, Taku Wakan, had given to the Lakotas, the buffalo for food and clothing. We told them that where the buffalo ranged, that was our country. We told them that the country of the buffalo was the country of the Lakotas. We told them the buffalo must have their country and the Lakotas must have the buffalo.” -- Red Cloud (1902)
Traditional Lakota Lands “The Heart of Everything that Is”